In due reverence to the Most High God. The One who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly "MORE" than we could ever think or imagine. Peace Be Unto You!!! Nothing in today's fasted paced society is more valuable to people than their time and their money. I am about to ask you for some of both. However, I will give you something in return. First, I will give you the opportunity to get all into my business[smile]. I will allow you to take a look all into my soul and feel what I am feeling and experience what I have experienced as I sojourn here in America. I am about to get completed naked in front of you. I am about to become completely exposed. Nothing will be left out, and nothing will be left uncovered. The Naked Truth. I read somewhere that to expose feeling's is to risk exposing your true self. To place your ideas, or your dreams before a crowd is to risk their loss, however risks must be taken. Because the greatest ...