POTUS, PHARAOH, OR POO BUTT?.................

And when his family heard of it, they went out to lay hands on him: for they said, "He has lost his mind." In the beginning stage of the earthy ministry of Yeshua(Jesus) The Christ, those that thought they knew Him, those close to Him, were assured that He had, in fact, gone mad, gone crazy.....flipped out.....lost His mind. However, in reality, He was just going through a metamorphoses. A transitioning from human into human and divine. Transitioning into His God Mind. This transitioning made Him different - made Him a rebel and a revolutionary - made Him a threat to men.....and a threat to the statuesque. Most people have a hard time understanding a person that is different. For many people it is extremely difficult seeing things from the prospective of a person that has seen, done, and lived enough and experienced enough of life to see things differently than the majority may see it. Intellectuals, as well as most com...