TAKE THIS CUP FROM ME...(revised 7/7/16..7:pm)

"My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me. According to Hebrew scripture, in the hours just before Jesus The Christ was about to be turned over to the Roman authorities he became very distraught. He and a few of His disciples departed for a moment of prayer. Christ separated Himself and began to petition to His Father. His prayer was to have His heavenly orders revoked. He had become exceedingly sorrowful and weary of the assignment that he had received from God. In light of all the miracles He had performed by the power of The Holy Spirit it still was not enough to convince the masses that He was sent straight from God. He had had enough....and if it were possible He wanted The Master of Heaven and Earth to dismiss His predetermined painful death on the cross. ...