RANDOMS or (something I learned from my daughter) #3

AfricansNamerikkka are demanding that justice be served and reparations' be paid for the centuries of inhumane treatment we have endured since the first slave-ship docked. EuropeansNamerica are declaring that "we" should just get over it and "why" should the government use "their" tax dollars to fund a massive pay-off for something that "they" had nothing to do with. God says, treat people like u want to be treated. That should end the conversation concerning paying reparations to the decedents of slaves in amerikkka. 1. A wise man (my father) once declared that the day would come when professional athletes would be no more than high priced slaves.👊 2. He was right............ AGAIN 💣 3. Medical PRACTICE (read that again slowly and let it sink in).🙈🙉🙊 4. Who would benefit most from reparations being paid to AfricansNamerikkka👿? (a) Cadillac dealer (b) Nike ...