"You can tell what they are by what they do" In 1942 the Justice Department determined that there were 1,100,000 "enemy aliens" in America. These individuals were deemed "enemy aliens" because they represented a clear and present danger to the security of the U.S.A. The total included 92,000 Japanese, 315,000 Germans, and 695,000 Italians. This group of people were required to carry their "enemy alien registration cards" at all times. Today, Donald Trump, American business magnate, investor, author, television personality, and candidate for President of the United States in the 2016 presidential election is the front-runner in public opinion polls for the Republican Party nomination. His popular anti-illegal immigrant politics, and his latest Geo-political tirade - the call for a moratorium on foreign Muslims entering the United States - has earned considerable support among working class voters....