Why, what evil has he done? I have found no cause of death in him: I will therefore chastise him, and let him go. King Herod Antipas and Pontius Pilate, governor of Roman Judea, wanted nothing to do with the execution of Jesus the Christ. It was the Hebrew Nation - not the Romans - that wanted His head served on a platter. The massive chant "crucify Him!!!" - "crucify Him!!!"came from His own family men, His own kinsmen, they where the ones who wanted Him dead. The pompous and religious Isrealites, the ones that thought they knew Him, the ones that thought He wasn't nothing but the son of a carpenter, with a rag-tag bunch of outkast following Him. These are the ones who cried out "crucify Him" for He is not the one we want. Although, the masses of the Jewish Hebrew community were just following their leaders - the pharises, the sucusess, and the priests. Why are we so fixated on killing ...