..for I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; WHICH IS FAR BETTER: Nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you........... ST.LOUIS, MO......... Some days you feel like u just don't want to be here anymore. Today is one of those days. This morning I attended the home going services for Michael N. Bishop (11-29-1954 - 09-01-2018). To those of u reading this blog that didn't know him.........."boy, did you miss out." Mike - the name that only a select few of us could call him - was that guy who always wore a smile. And his smile was contagious - when u saw him smiling u had to smile as well. So when ever and where ever u ran into Mike it was a good encounter, because it always started on a good note. And it would end on a good note because Mike was not the kind of guy you got mad at, u just could not have a beef with Michael Bishop. And if anybody had a reason to have a beef with would be me. ...