Poli -tics ( pal' e tiks ) pl.n factional scheming for power and status within a group, relating to politician a person skilled or experienced in practical politics or political science. Apparently, Governor of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich , didn't read Mr. Websters definition before he started endeavoring in pay-for-play politics . According to Chicago Sun Times columnist, Mary Mitchell, Mr. Blagojevich , didn't and doesn't have, any skills in factional scheming(smile). She wrote: "I suspect that Blagojevich's biggest sin, and the thing that has members of the General Assembly gnashing their teeth, is that he was so inept at the sleazy gamesmanship that is an integral part of Illinois politics." Is anybody really surprised that another politician in Illinois, or anywhere else in America , or in the world got caught with their hand in the cookie jar? Is corruption in government, in America , really news? The tentacles of corruption extend to...