TAKE THIS CUP FROM ME...(revised 7/7/16..7:pm)
"My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me.
According to Hebrew scripture, in the hours just before Jesus The Christ was about to be turned over to the Roman authorities he became very distraught. He and a few of His disciples departed for a moment of prayer. Christ separated Himself and began to petition to His Father. His prayer was to have His heavenly orders revoked. He had become exceedingly sorrowful and weary of the assignment that he had received from God.
In light of all the miracles He had performed by the power of The Holy Spirit it still was not enough to convince the masses that He was sent straight from God. He had had enough....and if it were possible He wanted The Master of Heaven and Earth to dismiss His predetermined painful death on the cross.
"O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me:
Sometimes, it appears that Satan has won. Sometimes, it appears that all hope is lost. But it is in times like this that we are demanded to remember that its not about us.....its about glorifying God and His Creation.

Beloved, if we had never endured the pain and suffering of living in a satanic world how would we know what it feels like to live in a righteous world? If we had never experienced hatred how would we know when love arrives? If we had never been under the rule of the anti-Christ...how would we know when The Son Of Man has returned.....manifested in flesh...just like the anti-Christ is now?
If we had never lived in a society run by an oligarchy ... a noun. which means-(power in the hands of a small number of elites within a society).....how would we know what it feels like to be free?

Two of the families are the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers.
They are leading members because of their enormous wealth made in the banking industry.....as a direct result of slavery. During the 20th century these two families alone possessed the largest private fortunes in the world, as well as the largest private fortunes in modern history.
Their enormous wealth gives them the power to define the daily functions of the world.
They define what puppet will play the President of the United States, they define who will sit on the Supreme Court, they decide what countries to make war with and what rulers must die. They decide who your so-called leaders will be, they decide what religion and God you will follow, they decide what news feeds you receive, they decide what movies come out of Hollywood, they decide how many prisons to build based on fourth grade test scores, they decide what drugs to release into the communities, they know how many weapons to produce and distribute to the masses, they know how to keep us divide across class, color, and religious lines, they know what group or nation of people will be ruined and destroyed, they have even agreed to the feminization of Black males so they know who will be by-sexual or gay.
They know us........because they made us. We are, no longer, the children of the Most High God...we have become beasts and slaves to this world of spiritual wickedness.
Our hope for life is in our death. Just like Christ had to lay down His life......even though He really didn't want to...He had to....and we have to.....Too!!!!!
We have to give up our wicked ways if we really want to be free. If we really want to stop getting gunned down in the streets like dogs we have got to stop.
Because the only way God is going to help us is if we show a desire to help ourselves.
Well, the first thing we have to do is stop thinking, acting, and behaving like the kniggas they made us into and start thinking, acting and behaving like the chosen people of God we were created to be.
That means casting away all unrighteous thoughts, deeds and actions and replacing them with righteous thoughts, deeds, and actions. We have to elevate ourselves to a higher level of consciousness. We cant fight our way out of hell.....we have to rise above it. That means showing the same kind of love to our brothers and sisters in the struggle that we show to the person in our mirror. Listen beloved, we cant wipe Satan at his own game. We don't own one gun factory. We don't own one tank. When Satan decides to move in and wipe out our communities he is going to gas us first and the majority of us don't own one gas mask.
Love, unity, and preparedness is our strength....but God is our Deliverer. In order to receive His protection while we watch, fight, and pray........
We must repent.....
We must beg God for His Mercy...We must become Godly sorrow for all the wickedness we have committed in this natural body.....then after repentance comes restoration to a new spiritual life, led, taught and directed by the indwelling of The Holy Spirit on a daily basis.
We have to die away from our sinful ways for the Righteous Comforter to live and freedom from oppression to rule.
O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.
Christ bore His cross...we have to bare ours......like it or not.
Marvel not; Ye Must Be Born Again
FREE..........................Goodie Mob....................1995