Dot Dot Dit Dit Dot Dot Dash or Damned If I Know(diik)

During the turbulent times of the 1960's and 70's there was on the seen a prophet, poet, lyricist, musician and just plain ole gifted artist known as Gil Scott-Heron. He coined a new phrase or saying and called it, "Dot Dot Dit Dit Dot Dot Dash or "Damned If I know(diik)". The reason this phrase was necessary was because so many things were going on during those times that no one really had an answer for or could get a handle on just "why" this or that thing was happening.

 For instance, why was Martin Luther King killed? - (diik) or why was Malcolm X assassinated? - (diik), or what about the state ordered massacre at Attica State Prison? -(diik), or the innocent students gunned down by the government at Kent State University? - (diik), or the bomb dropped on the house of the Move Organization, also ordered by the city government? - (diik). 

Then, as well as now, we are confronted on a daily basis with more and more revelations that make us uncertain of things we thought we were positive about. Because of this fact I feel it necessary to have a resurgence of the phrase, Dot Dot Dit Dit Dot Dot Dash - Damned If I Know(diik)(smile). Maybe, some one might feel the need to make use of this phrase when you ask yourself why are we fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? (diik), or why is the prison population of this country greater than the total population of South Korea? - (diik), why is the stock market crashing? why is there no money for health care but plenty of money for bombs? why are we graduating students who are functional illiterate? damned if I know, damned if I know, damned if I know!!!!!

It should be obvious that this country, whether you live in America or Amerikkka, is in need of a change. Not the kind of change that politicians build their campaigns on making promises that they cant keep, but a spiritually change, a spiritual revolution.

 Understand I did not say a religious revolution.

 A religious revolution is nothing more than a religious revival that would and does keep us divide. What we need is a spiritual revolution, a revolution that would unite us, and let us realize that we are one in spirit. A God sent man, the one that we refer to as Jesus, once said that "Ye must be born again".


 Today, thousands of people, as well as myself, give thanks and praise to the Creator of the world for sending His Holy Spirit, again, in our life time, manifested in the flesh of the Reverend Sherman Glover, to show the world just how being born again of The Spirit of God can be achieved.


Anonymous said…
you are a God-send

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