"I came into the world to save sinners of which I Am Chief"

Federal law suits were recently filed against the county towns of Ferguson and Jennings, Missouri on behalf of poor people who spent time in their jails for failure to pay fines for traffic violations and minor offenses.

 The lawsuits claim that those jailed were held indefinitely; were not provided with attorneys; and were kept in unsanitary conditions without adequate medical care. The suits claim that at least four people unable to pay for their freedom have committed suicide in jail in the past five months.

The U.S. Constitution, explicitly, forbids incarceration as punishment for indigence...or... in other words... incarceration for being poor in America.

How can it be that the most wealthiest and professed - holiest - nation on earth still maintains poverty and racism as the darkest scourges in the fabric of American society?

Today the spotlight is on Ferguson and Jennings. A few days ago the spot light was on New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina.

Who can forget that for a week the world watched people walking for miles in waist-deep water, the countless children that were separated from their parents, the cries of people dying in the streets and living on roof-tops and on Interstate 10? Who doesn't remember the countless bodies floating in contaminated water, and the human beings begging for a drop water? All those drastic visions only dramatize the magnitude of the problems and the shame of America's failure to deal justly with the poor.

It's written that God's people suffer for a lack of knowledge.

Primarily a lack of knowledge of God and His Creation, followed by a separation from God and His plan of salvation. Further we suffer from a lack of knowledge concerning ourselves - the children of God - and a lack of knowledge concern the world we live in. 

We have become weaker and wiser...wise to worldly things and weaker to what God requires...obedience.

 Doing what's right in the eyes of God requires constantly striving to stay in a state of constant prayer. Attempting to always be conscious of God's presence in our lives. Being determined to over-come sin's of the flesh with right thoughts, deeds, and actions that proceed from the heart.

In most jurisdictions within the United States, people can be held in contempt of court and jailed after "willfully" non-payment of child support, garnishments, confiscations, fines,  and back taxes.

However, if you make, "ALL" your court appearance's, and tell the truth, chances are, you can stay out of jail. Often we go to jail for dis-obedience..."willfully" failing to appear.  And then when we do appear, we attempt to lie our way out of the situation.

To take your place as a child of God requires.... aspiring to perfection in this life....living up-right...repenting...and allowing God to draw and guide your soul to Himself.

Church Fathers and theologians distinguish three stages or states of perfection. The state of beginners,  the state of the progressing, and the state of the perfect.

You must practice what you profess.

It all starts with obedience.........Ye must be born again!!!

Keep Ya Head Up.......2PAC.....1998 


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