"You can tell what they are by what they do"

In 1942 the Justice Department determined that there were 1,100,000 "enemy aliens" in America.

These individuals were deemed "enemy aliens" because they  represented a clear and present danger to the security of the U.S.A. The total included 92,000 Japanese, 315,000 Germans, and 695,000 Italians. This group of people were required to carry their "enemy alien registration cards" at all times.

Today, Donald Trump, American business magnate, investor, author, television personality, and candidate for President of the United States in the 2016 presidential election is the front-runner in public opinion polls for the Republican Party nomination.

His popular anti-illegal immigrant politics, and his latest Geo-political tirade - the call for a moratorium on foreign Muslims entering the United States - has earned considerable support among working class voters.  Its ironic that many of these working class voters are - for the most part - descendants of the people deemed "enemy aliens" of yesterday.

Mr. Trump is playing into the anti-Muslim sentiment sweeping this country like a plague. His position is, if we curtail Muslims and their movements - terrorism will cease.

 Mr. Trump is to intelligent to believe that.

Although, he did reiterate  that America is as guilty of perpetuating violence in the world, as any other country. Still, Mr. Trump needs a history lesson on what violence is.  Maybe then he will realize that America is not as guilty but America leads the world in violence.

Old Testament Scholar Terence Fretheim writes:

For many people....only physical violence truly qualifies as violence. But certainly, violence is more than killing people, unless one includes all those words and action that kill people slowly.

We must insist that there are many other forms of violence.

Violence also refers to that which is psychologically destructive, that which demeans, damages, or depersonalizes others.

In view of these considerations, violence my be defined as follows: any action, verbal or nonverbal, oral or written. physical or psychical, active or passive, public or private, individual or institutional/societal, human or divine, in whatever degree of intensity, that abuse, violates, injures, or kills.

 Some of the most pervasive and most dangerous forms of violence are those that are often hidden from view - against women and children, especially. Violence that festers and grows just beneath the surface in many of our homes, churches, and communities. Violence and abuse so horrific its more than enough to freeze the blood.

 Moreover, many forms of systemic violence often slip, - by intent or design -past our attention because they are so much a part of the infrastructure of American life (e.g., racism, sexism, and ageism).

America has been practicing genocide and terrorism against Black people even before the first slave ship docked.

For more than four hundred years Black people have been terrorized simply because we wanted to be treated in a humane manner.

 We have been bombarded by America because we believed in and practiced the commandments ordained of God that we should love God first with all our being and then love they neighbor as thyself.

Striving for righteousness has been the cause of our untimely demise. Because unrighteous and hypocritical America refuses to accept and honor Gods word.

God said do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Mr.Trump has just a few more hurdles to jump. 

He has already persecuted homosexuals, Latinos, and Muslims. So you really don't have to be a brain surgeon to figure out what group or race of people are next on President Trumps hit list?

Time is short, the hand writing is already on the wall. The Divine Judgment of God is already in motion. Unity will be thrust upon us even if we don't embrace it willingly.  Chose you this day who you will follow.

Ye must be born again

The World Is a Ghetto......War........ 1972


Anonymous said…
You have amazing insight. Keep it up God is blessing u

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