And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you. FEAR HIM.

WASHINGTON(AFP) - US President Barack Obama wept openly as he urged America to wake up to the need to tackle the gun violence that claims tens of thousands of lives in the country each year.

Tears streamed down the President's cheeks as he summoned the memory of the 20 elementary school children slaughtered three years ago in Newtown Connecticut.

"Every time I think about those kids, it gets me mad, "the president said."

Senseless violence is tragic indeed - but it is not new. Not in Amerikkka.

Malcolm X described the violence that plagues this country as "chickens coming home to roost" or its just America "reaping what she has sown'" or as The God Father of Soul, James Brown described it, "The Big Pay Back."

Granted, we should sympathise with the victims at Newtown and with all the other victims of horror that have constantly been making the news, but while we are weeping lets weep for some victims of violence that didn't appear on Prime Time TV, for instance:

In May 1917, three thousand white men gathered in downtown East St. Louis and attacks on blacks began. The NAACP estimated deaths at 100-200. Six thousand blacks were left homeless after their neighborhood was burned. The true number of deaths will never be known because many corpses were not recovered, or did not pass through the hands of undertakers.

Exceptional outbreaks of terror and violence is at an all time high in America, however, violence against people of color in  America has always been - the rule -  instead of - the exception.

White power promoters have taken off their robes - well some of them - but the idealism that one part of the human race should live in perpetual servitude and indebtedness to another is built into the fabric of the country.

 Even today, in St. Louis,  there is a secret society called the Veiled Prophet Organization that was founded by prominent St. Louisans around the early 1900's. Each year they hold a parade/event, and a gala ball to honor themselves, their accomplishments and their power to define their control over the St. Louis political, business, civic and social industries.

Currently the 4th of July weekend event is called Fair St. Louis.

 The name had to be changed because, somehow, someone let the "cat outta the bag" that a private organization was using public tax-payer dollars to promote and sponsor their private parties.

So they had to re-name the festivities from - The VP Fair to Fair St. Louis  - to continue to use city money for their shindig.

However, everything else has remained the same.

The organization is still comprised of the elite social hierarchy members of the Ku Klux Klan.

 Down through the years prominent individuals in St. Louis, and the world, with names like Danforth, Busch, Schnucks, Maritz, and McDonnell have all been chosen the Veiled Prophet of Khorassan and resided over the week-end gala event.

 Ellie Kemper, the daughter of David Woods Kemper, chairman and chief executive officer of Commerce Banks, and the temporary co-host of the NBC News morning program, "The Today Show was once crowned the "Queen of Love and Beauty and made up the "Veiled Prophet's Court of Honor." 

Currently, the parade, ball, and gala week-end is basically a show, for all the world to see, of force and power of the elite, Christian, white privileged class controlling St. Louis, the region, and more.

And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath the power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, FEAR HIM.

Ye must be born again!!!

There Is No place Like America Today.......Curtis Mayfield - 1975 


Anonymous said…
thank god someone in the world still tells the truth

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