This is no time for fine words, but a time to lift one's voice against the savagery of a people who claim to be the dispensers of democracy..............Marcus Garvey

Praise God!!!........Why?.........Because He has never left us alone.......God has always ordained that his spirit would manifest in the flesh of up-right men.

 Men who were called, chosen, qualified and then sent to feed Gods people with the bread of life and  water from the cup of righteousness. Our Creator has never failed to send to us somebody who's only concern for living was to up-lift fallen humanity.

Christ, the Master Teacher, and perfect example, gave a mandate to His disciples to 'feed my people'.

One of the most effective teaching strategies used in academia is called "explicit teacher modeling,' whereby the teacher embodies or demonstrates for the student the academic concept to be learned.

 The concept decreed by God requires that if I love you- like I say I  do - I will prove it by living a life of truth. Not talking about truth....... but becoming truth....in thoughts, deeds, and actions.

The way is already set.

 Many others have attempted to follow The Christ mandate. The love teachings of Christ has been often imitated but never duplicated.  So how will you know Gods men? You will know them by what they do - not by what they say.  God has called some men to up-lift fallen humanity by Gods permission and on Gods authority, but you can only know them by their spiritual message, not by their huge following.

 Unfortunately, not many are being called today because our people are not being fed but rather are being mislead by pimps in the pulpit.

Its apparent that most of todays so-called leaders are masters of deception  because there is no love and no acknowledgement of God in the land.

There are thousands of preachers in America talking about God but none are acting like Him.

Many of them just don't know any better but the majority of them are just afraid to speak out against injustice for fear of reprisal from the government.

In 1954, then Senator Lyndon B. Johnson, introduced House Resolution 235, which added churches to section 501C3 of the tax code.

The resolution ordered that all churches and non-profit organization were restricted from speaking in favor of or against political candidates and political and social issues. In essence what they did was silenced the church from speaking truth to power about politicians and programs that were detrimental to the Black community.

Today, the masses of Gods people  are lost because America is practicing economic racism and the church is sticking its head in the sand and pretending to not see.

 Politics and economics are inseparable.

Yet, the so-called leaders/preachers in the community are telling the masses that all that is required is to just believe in Jesus. Our communities are under attack and plantation religion is partly responsible.

We are being given pacifiers instead of food because the church doesn't want to lose its tax status.

Black Americans spend in excess of $1.2 trillion annually in the nation's economy yet that kind of spending volume has not translated into real economic power.


 Because the so-called leaders are not concerned with feeding the people; they are only concerned with feeding themselves and not making the government mad. 

They love to talk Jesus to you,  but no one wants to be like Him.

 Cant you see why?

Ye must be born again!!!!!!


We Are One......Maze featuring Frankie Beverly.......1983 


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