Probably the greatest act that crystallized the justification of European slave trading was the Catholic priest Bartholomo de las Casas' writing in his encyclical to the papacy that these people (the Africans) were without souls and suitable for the torturous work in the Americas.
The result was carte blanche exploritation justified and sanctioned by the Western Church, marking the very beginning of racial prejudice.
It was at this point in history that Western culture determined all evil as black and Satanic and all good was white and of God. Based upon the assumption of Padre de las Casas the Western Church for more than 300 years, without any compunction or intervention, practically authorized the massive trafficking in human cargo.

Maybe - if, from the very beginning the Western Cristian Church had taught the truth and the mercy of God and had administered love and kindness to those whom they taught, to this day there would not be so many thousands upon thousands of black men and women, boys and girls incarcerated, homeless, jobless, confined to mental institutions, uneducated, mis-educated, and literally despondent - without hope in this land of plenty.
Had only the white ministers been true ambassadors for Christ.
You cannot pick up a news magazine without finding an article on racism. The need for reconciliation and healing between the races surfaces in nearly every form of media. It cries for attention and healing.
Racism is a complex and sensitive issue.
Yet, the healing of our communities and our cities will not occur until the church is re-born, delivered of cultural pride and insolence. The only why for the church to become a source of healing it has to become a source of truth first.
It has to be born-again of the spirit of God and up rooted from the many practices of religion.
Much of the violence we are reaping in our cites today was sown during the era when blacks were enslaved. To understand racism and its effects upon our society we must step back into the days when slavery was an American way of life. We must understand that racism is to modern times what slavery was to our forefathers; racism is the spirit behind slavery.
Although slavery was legally abolished in the eighteen-hundredths, racism continued.
The fact is, much of the violence in our cities today is the bitter fruit of a tree America cultivated in the soil of racism and slavery. The wounds of slavery remains in the soul of many Black young males and females today, propelling a growing percentage of Black youth to violence.
These young people neither understand their actions nor can they find a way out from the shroud of death which broods over their neighborhoods.

If we continue , to fail, to obey God, our cities will continue to bear an increasing likeness to hell.
Marvel not; ye must be born again.