When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things
There are two words in the English language that are often misunderstood and used inappropriately - sometime because of ignorance - and sometime by design - the words are ........oc cult (a'kult') adj. meaning: something hidden, concealed secret, involving mysterious powers, beyond human understanding.
And the other word ....cult (kult) n. meaning: a religious group, with a charismatic leader, who indoctrinates members with unorthodox views, practices, or beliefs.
JIM JONES - (5/13/31 - 11/18/78) - the self proclaimed ' God" of the Peoples Temple, who plunged into his mission in the 1950's, would be considered an occult leader while the spiritual, liberating, revolution initiated by the man we refer to as Jesus the Christ, would be considered, by today's standards, a cult leader.
The events surrounding Jim Jones and his founding of The Peoples Temple of The Disciples of Christ in Jonestown Guyana, constituted the greatest single losses of American life in a deliberate act until the incident of September 11, 2001.
The checks were signed over to him from his predominately black membership.
Jones moved his congregation to the Caribbean Island in Guyana from the U.S. because of his views of a dominance of racism and multinational corporations in America committing genocide against mainly black, poor, and oppressed people. In his mind it was his calling to "save them" but he had to leave the U.S. to do it.
However, he still remained in close contact with the Vice-President of the United States, Walter Mondale and First Lady Rosalyn Carter, wife of President Jimmy Carter.
Mondale and Carter both visited Jim Jones on several occasions in Guyana and applauded Jim Jones on the progress he was making.
While in Guyana Jones gradually subjected his followers to sophisticated mind control and behavior modification techniques, and on November 11, 1978, he either persuaded or forced 918 of his flowers, including 304 children to drink a concoction of cyanide poisoning and Kool-Aid - - - killing them all.
American history is full of radical displays of powerful men leading Gods people - right or wrong - in hope of saving them from the evil all around them. Some self proclaimed and some "God ordained". Sent by God with great intentions to free fallen humanity from the clutches of spiritual, mental, and physical oppression, racism and death in America
For example:
In July 31, 1966 an ad hoc group of 51 concerned clergy called, The National Committee of Negro Churchmen (NCNC), bought a full page ad in the New York Times to publish their "Black Power Statement," which proposed a more aggressive approach to combating racism using the Bible for inspiration.
In the 1950's, Sweet Daddy Grace...aka...Charles Manuel the founder of the United House of Prayer For All People, was said to be God incarnate and pastured his congregation..... estimated to be in the thousands for many, many years.
In the 1930's there appeared Father Divine another religious leader who brought a unique worship style to birth on the American scene. He is responsible for converting thousands to his organization, The International Peace Mission Movement, and was also deemed, by his followers, to be "God on earth".
Also in the 1930's, there appeared Elijah Muhammad, the founder of the Nation of Islam, and Noble Drew Ali, founder of the Moorish Science Temple of America, both believed by thousands, up until this present time, to be yet, other examples of God manifested in the flesh of mortal men.
Gods man has only one plan for his family and all those connected to him by flesh or by Gods spirit.....and that plan is liberation.
Liberation and salvation are inseparable.
A person who is still a slave to religion, a slave to money, a slave to power and titles. a slave to occupations, a slave to education, a slave to possessions, a slave to your flesh or a slave to the flesh of others, will never completely and totally surrender to God.
What a joy to know that always, in our darkest hour, God has raised 'somebody' to do His will and guide Gods people out of darkness, into His marvelous light.
Maybe, the most un-sung hero, of God's power to manifest His presence in a human body, was the late, great, Reverend Sherman Glover. Thousands of families migrating from the Jim Crow South in search of a "better day' in the Jim Crow North paused in St. Louis, and many stayed, because of the divine presence of Reverend Sherman Glover.
God gave Reverend Glover a vision and the wherewithal to see the vision through by allowing him to pastor his multi-racial flock of 'born-again' converts for thirty years - until his death in 1961. Many of his followers claimed miraculous acts of faith healing while attending services. Including testimonies of people being resurrected from physical death by the power of the Holy Spirit working through Reverend Glover.
Students of Reverend Glover had to adhere to stringent principles and practices of discipleship in order to "get born-again of the spirit of God and further to STAY born-again of the spirit of God."
The Christ mandated that " ye must be born again" but thousands, until this very day, will testify and declare, that if it had not been for Reverend Glover "showing them HOW" they would have never known.
They would have had the word but "NO PROOF". No way of determining the in-dwelling spirit opposed to before regeneration. No way of determine if God was "real" or if he was only in a book.
Reverend Glover was proving to the masses of people coming from all parts of the country, and from all walks of life, backgrounds, and cultures that atonement and confession of "belief in God" was not enough. There had to be repentance by way of the holy spirit followed by a public baptizing in "free flowing water" to symbolizing the death and resurrection into new life. And then, after you were emptied of self - the process of teaching would begin for individual and collective growth and development of the inner-man/woman.
This "born-again" principle alone provoked controversy and an out-pouring of criticism from other faith establishments and congregations - especially other Baptist in the region - who believed that salvation required only a professed belief in Jesus the Christ. Many attempts were made to attack Reverened Glover because he was being accused of "stealing the members" from other congregations. But
The Gloverknights, as they were frequently called, had to obey un-orthodox rules of praising God.
Worship and praise of God was taught as a continuous way-of-life not a one day religious practice.
In order to stay in fellow-ship with God required adherence to the ordinances set down by Gods man.
Reverend Glover taught that there were blessings for obedience and consequences for disobedience.
The Gloverknights were instructed in all manner of life - including the proper fashion and proper time of assemble into Gods house. They were taught how to live in the sin-sick American society. Learning how to live in this world - while at the same time - remaining separate from this world - was a major theme of The Gloverknights. All songs of praise were not allowed in God's house because Rev. Glover knew the value and importance of words. He knew that you could "sing a lie just as easy as you could tell one".
Reverend Glover taught his followers how to follow the guidance of the inner man/women to stay in a repented and merciful state of consciousness. Striving toward a godly righteous consciousness would produce righteous thoughts, deeds, and actions in the everyday affairs of born-again individuals.
"It was just right to do right," was an often-used quote of Reverend Glover.
Religion was not the theme, righteousness was the theme and mandate.
While all around them the letter of religion was killing professed followers of Christ. Gloverknights were being taught that it was 'the spirit of God" that produce knowledge of the living God.
Gloverknights were taught what was the proper attire to be presented in the world, so as not be considered part of the world - they were taught proper hygiene based on righteousness , proper grooming requirements, there were mandates for marriage, parenting, education, and business ownership.
The flock continued to multiple and prosper because the mandates that Reverend Glover received directly from God for his people proved to be beneficial and successful - up until this very day.
Reverend Glover didn't preach about a powerless story book Jesus to his congregation. What he did was provided a demonstration of the spiritual, living Jesus, manifested in flesh. One of his quotes was, "Don't come in here with your feelings, because I will take this gospel and walk all over them."
Their uniqueness as members of the body of Christ - combined with agape (tough) love, humbleness, mercy, praise, pray, fasting, forgiveness and respect for themselves and others turned their belief in God into a reality of God.
Obedience to the pastor proved to the congregation that just as Reverend Glover had predicted, "There is nothing that God will withhold from them(members)if they stayed in the fold(church)."
Marvel not; you must be born again.
I thank you God in heaven for the rich, rich mercy you are sharing with me and my spiritual and physical family and for the blessing in my life of my biological mother, Sister Vivian and my biological father, The Reverend Sherman Glover.
Say A Little Prayer For Me....Zella Price
And the other word ....cult (kult) n. meaning: a religious group, with a charismatic leader, who indoctrinates members with unorthodox views, practices, or beliefs.
JIM JONES - (5/13/31 - 11/18/78) - the self proclaimed ' God" of the Peoples Temple, who plunged into his mission in the 1950's, would be considered an occult leader while the spiritual, liberating, revolution initiated by the man we refer to as Jesus the Christ, would be considered, by today's standards, a cult leader.
The events surrounding Jim Jones and his founding of The Peoples Temple of The Disciples of Christ in Jonestown Guyana, constituted the greatest single losses of American life in a deliberate act until the incident of September 11, 2001.
During his hay-day in 1978, Jim Jones, had accumulated an estimated 26 million dollars. He reportedly collected $65,000 in monthly welfare payments from U.S. government agencies.
The checks were signed over to him from his predominately black membership.
Jones moved his congregation to the Caribbean Island in Guyana from the U.S. because of his views of a dominance of racism and multinational corporations in America committing genocide against mainly black, poor, and oppressed people. In his mind it was his calling to "save them" but he had to leave the U.S. to do it.
However, he still remained in close contact with the Vice-President of the United States, Walter Mondale and First Lady Rosalyn Carter, wife of President Jimmy Carter.
Mondale and Carter both visited Jim Jones on several occasions in Guyana and applauded Jim Jones on the progress he was making.
While in Guyana Jones gradually subjected his followers to sophisticated mind control and behavior modification techniques, and on November 11, 1978, he either persuaded or forced 918 of his flowers, including 304 children to drink a concoction of cyanide poisoning and Kool-Aid - - - killing them all.
American history is full of radical displays of powerful men leading Gods people - right or wrong - in hope of saving them from the evil all around them. Some self proclaimed and some "God ordained". Sent by God with great intentions to free fallen humanity from the clutches of spiritual, mental, and physical oppression, racism and death in America
For example:
In July 31, 1966 an ad hoc group of 51 concerned clergy called, The National Committee of Negro Churchmen (NCNC), bought a full page ad in the New York Times to publish their "Black Power Statement," which proposed a more aggressive approach to combating racism using the Bible for inspiration.
In the 1950's, Sweet Daddy Grace...aka...Charles Manuel the founder of the United House of Prayer For All People, was said to be God incarnate and pastured his congregation..... estimated to be in the thousands for many, many years.
In the 1930's there appeared Father Divine another religious leader who brought a unique worship style to birth on the American scene. He is responsible for converting thousands to his organization, The International Peace Mission Movement, and was also deemed, by his followers, to be "God on earth".
Also in the 1930's, there appeared Elijah Muhammad, the founder of the Nation of Islam, and Noble Drew Ali, founder of the Moorish Science Temple of America, both believed by thousands, up until this present time, to be yet, other examples of God manifested in the flesh of mortal men.
Men....real men.....are always concerned and prepared to give their life for the liberation of Gods people. Men of God really don't have any other reason for living. God has one plan...and that is His plan for salvation for His people.
Liberation and salvation are inseparable.
A person who is still a slave to religion, a slave to money, a slave to power and titles. a slave to occupations, a slave to education, a slave to possessions, a slave to your flesh or a slave to the flesh of others, will never completely and totally surrender to God.
What a joy to know that always, in our darkest hour, God has raised 'somebody' to do His will and guide Gods people out of darkness, into His marvelous light.
Maybe, the most un-sung hero, of God's power to manifest His presence in a human body, was the late, great, Reverend Sherman Glover. Thousands of families migrating from the Jim Crow South in search of a "better day' in the Jim Crow North paused in St. Louis, and many stayed, because of the divine presence of Reverend Sherman Glover.
God gave Reverend Glover a vision and the wherewithal to see the vision through by allowing him to pastor his multi-racial flock of 'born-again' converts for thirty years - until his death in 1961. Many of his followers claimed miraculous acts of faith healing while attending services. Including testimonies of people being resurrected from physical death by the power of the Holy Spirit working through Reverend Glover.
Because of this and other 'miracles' Reverend Glover was considered - by more than a few - to be sent straight from God, while others would declare HE WAS GOD manifested in flesh.
Students of Reverend Glover had to adhere to stringent principles and practices of discipleship in order to "get born-again of the spirit of God and further to STAY born-again of the spirit of God."
The Christ mandated that " ye must be born again" but thousands, until this very day, will testify and declare, that if it had not been for Reverend Glover "showing them HOW" they would have never known.
They would have had the word but "NO PROOF". No way of determining the in-dwelling spirit opposed to before regeneration. No way of determine if God was "real" or if he was only in a book.
Reverend Glover was proving to the masses of people coming from all parts of the country, and from all walks of life, backgrounds, and cultures that atonement and confession of "belief in God" was not enough. There had to be repentance by way of the holy spirit followed by a public baptizing in "free flowing water" to symbolizing the death and resurrection into new life. And then, after you were emptied of self - the process of teaching would begin for individual and collective growth and development of the inner-man/woman.
This "born-again" principle alone provoked controversy and an out-pouring of criticism from other faith establishments and congregations - especially other Baptist in the region - who believed that salvation required only a professed belief in Jesus the Christ. Many attempts were made to attack Reverened Glover because he was being accused of "stealing the members" from other congregations. But
Worship and praise of God was taught as a continuous way-of-life not a one day religious practice.
In order to stay in fellow-ship with God required adherence to the ordinances set down by Gods man.
Reverend Glover taught that there were blessings for obedience and consequences for disobedience.
The Gloverknights were instructed in all manner of life - including the proper fashion and proper time of assemble into Gods house. They were taught how to live in the sin-sick American society. Learning how to live in this world - while at the same time - remaining separate from this world - was a major theme of The Gloverknights. All songs of praise were not allowed in God's house because Rev. Glover knew the value and importance of words. He knew that you could "sing a lie just as easy as you could tell one".
Reverend Glover taught his followers how to follow the guidance of the inner man/women to stay in a repented and merciful state of consciousness. Striving toward a godly righteous consciousness would produce righteous thoughts, deeds, and actions in the everyday affairs of born-again individuals.
"It was just right to do right," was an often-used quote of Reverend Glover.
Religion was not the theme, righteousness was the theme and mandate.
While all around them the letter of religion was killing professed followers of Christ. Gloverknights were being taught that it was 'the spirit of God" that produce knowledge of the living God.
Gloverknights were taught what was the proper attire to be presented in the world, so as not be considered part of the world - they were taught proper hygiene based on righteousness , proper grooming requirements, there were mandates for marriage, parenting, education, and business ownership.
The flock continued to multiple and prosper because the mandates that Reverend Glover received directly from God for his people proved to be beneficial and successful - up until this very day.
Reverend Glover didn't preach about a powerless story book Jesus to his congregation. What he did was provided a demonstration of the spiritual, living Jesus, manifested in flesh. One of his quotes was, "Don't come in here with your feelings, because I will take this gospel and walk all over them."
The Reverend Sherman Glover July 4, 1887 - December 18, 1961 |
Their uniqueness as members of the body of Christ - combined with agape (tough) love, humbleness, mercy, praise, pray, fasting, forgiveness and respect for themselves and others turned their belief in God into a reality of God.
Obedience to the pastor proved to the congregation that just as Reverend Glover had predicted, "There is nothing that God will withhold from them(members)if they stayed in the fold(church)."
Marvel not; you must be born again.
I thank you God in heaven for the rich, rich mercy you are sharing with me and my spiritual and physical family and for the blessing in my life of my biological mother, Sister Vivian and my biological father, The Reverend Sherman Glover.
Say A Little Prayer For Me....Zella Price