And the Lord said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes.
MERRIAM WEBSTER, the voice of linguistic authority, might defind the word in-cre-men-tal as: an increase, usually small, usually slow, often one of a series, often so marginal and destructive it becomes a negative increment which results in a decrease.
The St. Louis American Newspaper....... voted the best black weekly newspaper in the country.........and nearly every African-American elected official in the state of Missouri and - least we forget - countless black clergy and civic leaders, have, without hesitation, endorsed Hillary Clinton for president of the United States of America.
Their reasoning and position is, "we think the only positive change that is possible is incremental change." And to that effect, we need a supremely competent and experienced inside player who knows our government and economy intimately."
Based on those criteria and her credentials, Hillary Clinton was the best qualified candidate in 2008, however, the black movers and shakers in the African-American community endorsed Barack Obama.
Because, just like a majority of Americans, we all were energized by President Obamas message of change.
We love President Obama. But, have we all forgotten that President Obama was reared, mentored, tutored and taught, for over twenty years, in the spiritual black liberation theology of Reverend Jeremiah Wright.
God planted in President Obama the spiritual seed of black liberation. Freedom Today.!!! Not Tomorrow!!!
And definitely not the 'never coming' incremental change that our supposed leaders are urging us to accept this election year. Now, after eight years of more successes than we have had disasters, we are apparently, more willing to return to yesterday, than we are determined to push toward a better and brighter tomorrow.
Many citizens in America are stock piling guns and ammunition preparing for a race war, White verses Black, or a religious war - Christians verses Muslims, or a political war, Democrats verses Republicans, or an economic war - the haves verses the have-nots, while others of us are still looking for someone in the white house to save us from the doom, death, and destruction that is currently saturating our neighborhoods and communities. Satan and his imps are destined to continue to engulf us if we don't chart a new course of action based in righteousness and trust in God.
Obviously, none of the candidates for the office of president have our interest at heart.
Now is not the time to digress into our normal passive practice of do-nothing-ism, tempered in wait-a-while-ism, and simmered in not-now-ism. Now is the time for those of us who have truly been born-again of Gods spirit to strive to receive Gods righteous mind so we can stop allowing Satan to trick us, and use us and separate us in religion, politics and across color lines.
God planted in President Obama the spiritual seed of black liberation. Freedom Today.!!! Not Tomorrow!!!
And definitely not the 'never coming' incremental change that our supposed leaders are urging us to accept this election year. Now, after eight years of more successes than we have had disasters, we are apparently, more willing to return to yesterday, than we are determined to push toward a better and brighter tomorrow.
Many citizens in America are stock piling guns and ammunition preparing for a race war, White verses Black, or a religious war - Christians verses Muslims, or a political war, Democrats verses Republicans, or an economic war - the haves verses the have-nots, while others of us are still looking for someone in the white house to save us from the doom, death, and destruction that is currently saturating our neighborhoods and communities. Satan and his imps are destined to continue to engulf us if we don't chart a new course of action based in righteousness and trust in God.
Obviously, none of the candidates for the office of president have our interest at heart.
Now is not the time to digress into our normal passive practice of do-nothing-ism, tempered in wait-a-while-ism, and simmered in not-now-ism. Now is the time for those of us who have truly been born-again of Gods spirit to strive to receive Gods righteous mind so we can stop allowing Satan to trick us, and use us and separate us in religion, politics and across color lines.
For those of us who desire to live righteously, now is the time to prove it.
Everything that God has created is obedient to the Creator, i.e. the moon, the sun, the stars, animals and all of nature - obeys - the Master.
On-the-other-hand, humans - the only thing that God made - are the only creatures that are disobedient to Him. Why is that? We are disobedient because we have made Gods beside God i.e. money, power, fame, education and religion. We worship abstract things and not what is concrete......Gods spirit.
Everything that God has created is obedient to the Creator, i.e. the moon, the sun, the stars, animals and all of nature - obeys - the Master.
On-the-other-hand, humans - the only thing that God made - are the only creatures that are disobedient to Him. Why is that? We are disobedient because we have made Gods beside God i.e. money, power, fame, education and religion. We worship abstract things and not what is concrete......Gods spirit.
God has proven to some of us that we are more than capable of governing ourselves, under the direction of the holy spirit, just like the rest of the universe.
Listen beloved, we already have a capable person in the position of president, we already have a capable attorney general - we have two in fact, we have competent people in every intelligence and military organization in this country, we already have spiritual, not religious, leadership able to form a working government based on obedience and submission to God.
We have bankers, we have entrepreneurs, we have scientists, we have artists, we have educators, we have farmers, we have builders, we have doctors, and lawyers, and engineers we have the tools, we have the skills and we even have the revenue.....all we need is the courage and the spirit to be free and trust God to lead us out of the wilderness into his marvelous light.
Listen beloved, we already have a capable person in the position of president, we already have a capable attorney general - we have two in fact, we have competent people in every intelligence and military organization in this country, we already have spiritual,
We have bankers, we have entrepreneurs, we have scientists, we have artists, we have educators, we have farmers, we have builders, we have doctors, and lawyers, and engineers we have the tools, we have the skills and we even have the revenue.....all we need is the courage and the spirit to be free and trust God to lead us out of the wilderness into his marvelous light.
God, because of the pleas of His servant Abraham, promised that He would save the wicked world from total destruction if he could only find fifty righteous people worthy to be saved..... or maybe forty-five..... or possibly forty..... peradventure thirty..... He would show compassion for twenty.....ten.
Not one righteous person was to be found, therefore, the very next evening fire and brimstone from heaven rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah and upon all the inhabitants of the earth because of their disobedience and refusal to repent and come out from among the wicked.
God has proclaimed that we must come out from among them, and be ye separate. Further He has promised us that He will be our God and we will be His people.... or I WILL COME and smite the earth with a curse.
Marvel not; ye must be born again or you cant even see the kingdom of God coming in the earth.
Not one righteous person was to be found, therefore, the very next evening fire and brimstone from heaven rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah and upon all the inhabitants of the earth because of their disobedience and refusal to repent and come out from among the wicked.
God has proclaimed that we must come out from among them, and be ye separate. Further He has promised us that He will be our God and we will be His people.... or I WILL COME and smite the earth with a curse.
Marvel not; ye must be born again or you cant even see the kingdom of God coming in the earth.