For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come.........

From a prison cell, the bible records that the Apostle Paul, under the direction of The Holy Spirit, composed a letter to his followers indicating that there was absolutely nothing- - nothing present nor nothing on the horizon-- that could or would separate them from the love of God.

 In other words, because we know that our God is able to deliver us;--- they said...... "We Kaint Bow."          Paul was delivered from prison.

 African history also documents that three Hebrew boys were taken from prison and thrown into a fiery furnace by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, when they refused to bow down to the king's image. But because of the assurance we have in the ability of the God we serve to deliver us;--- they said....."We Kaint Bow." And God did.....deliver them.

Taking a stand for what you know is right is dangerous.

 However, if you know that you have the God of Righteousness on your side, you kaint lose, therefore, you Kaint Bow.

Even considering the current elevated state of hatred that is upon us...those of us that profess to know God must call on Him, to empower us with His Spirit, so we can take a stand for righteousness--- assured that we are called by God to do so.

We Kaint Bow.

 It's more than obvious that America, already has some horrible and cruel things prepared for those of us that don't fit in or those that don't comply with what a few evil, powerful, and wicked men have defined America to be.

 Already, many evil devices of confinement have been invented for the outcast in society.... extreme confinement that is far more worse than being dead.

So, knowing that we are already under attack from Satan and his imps, the righteous and charitable thing to do would be to act...now....while mercy is still available, then to be forced to re-act after God mandates that divine judgment will increase...and He has shut the door to atonement and restoration.

Spiritual wickedness is a cancer.... and racism is the disease that is engulfing this country like a plague.

 Distorted attitudes and twisted emotions can make being a defender of justice and righteousness a costly choice indeed.

But we have no choice...we are out of options. Our very lives, and the lives of our children, and grand-children, and great-grand-children are at stake. Satan, the great liar and divider of God's people, has arrived and is manifesting in the flesh of countless human-beings.

 Lines are being drawn....and those with eye's to see and ear's to hear realize and understand that this is not a racial thing.....its a spiritual thing. This is "a haves verses have not's thing",  a righteousness verses un-righteousness thing,  a truth above lies thing, this is a spiritual revolution ordained by God.

This madness in the world and, especially, America, is going to get worse before it gets better. It has becoming increasingly evident that all lives don't matter and that there is an overwhelming display of two societies in this country....separate and un-equal.

Still........ we Kaint Bow.

 A black high-ranking police officer, in Minnesota, recently took a stand after witnessing two white officers beat a black man in a garage. He was suspended, and transferred - and eventually run off the police force for doing what was right. As it turned out, the man that got beat was just charged with small drug possession. The beating was just for GP.

Built on prejudice, fear and ignorance, the foundation of the Drug War was laid over 100 years ago. Since then, it has turned into a full scale assault on primarily black and poor people, robbing them of their freedom, future, and civil rights, while wasting tax dollars and ruining lives.

President Obama will go down in history(silent history) as the president that pardoned more non-violent federal convicts(the majority for drug convictions) than the last nine presidents combined. Our racist drug laws were, and are still,  one of the many tools used to keep black and poor people in a constant flow into the Prison Industrial Complex of America.      

Thank God,  that after centuries of lies, He is finally pulling the sheet off of America and its treatment of people of color here and abroad. Blatant lies, that are rooted in the frame work and foundation of this country are being un-covered.

 Even the truth concerning Yeshua(Jesus) The Christ are only now being accepted by masses of people because of the current hatred being revealed and displayed against the African Hebrew descendants of Yeshua(Jesus).

 The historical proven fact that there wasn't a letter "J" in the Hebrew language and alphabet 2000 years ago when Christ walked the earth is now opening the eyes of many of God's people, and the gospel of Christ is starting to making sense to those that didn't and don't understand.

Just knowing that the name that we refer to as the Christ is not His God given name makes a difference. Just knowing that it's not the name His mother and brother, and His disciples and followers called Him...makes a difference. Why? Because now many of us can relate to the story because we realize that the only way to really know God is by His Spirit. Not by what we are told or by what was instilled in us on the plantation.

The Spirit of God reveals to the people that just like Yeshua(Jesus) we are, on a daily basis, being crucified and slaughtered in the streets.......just because we are different.

Finally, after what seems to have been a life-time of hypocrisy, black and white clergy in America can and should stand in unison, and finally say, with conviction in spirit and in truth that when The Renaissance Man, Michelangelo was issued the orders to give Yeshua(Jesus) an Italian, facial structure, tone, complexion and look.....the authors of deception....had to --- and did--- give Him a new name to match His new face.

Thank God for His truth because we are currently living in a time when all things provided and introduced to us on the plantations of America during slavery, including, but not limited to, politics, religion, and education must be re-evaluated with a spiritual micro-scope.

White supremacy and hatred in America is forcing Truth to come forth, just like He said He would and just like we knew that He could we are witnessing the return of truth, we are witnessing ......The Return of Christ.

God is truly amazing because He allowed Satan, to fill the minds of the European writers with thoughts of supremacy. He allowed them to conspire and white-wash the gospel of Christ. God allowed the Hebrew Bible to be, intentionally mistranslated into Greek, Latin, and English.            

Because, if God hadn't allowed them to steal it, the wickedness in men, would have banned it, burned it, or buried the gospel of Christ altogether...... forever.

God is getting our attention. And he said that the things that we see now are just the beginning of sorrow. So, for the simple knowledge of that alone, makes me extremely  happy and glad to know that I have the love and protection of The Most High God on my side.......how about you?

Marvel not; ye must be born again.


Sinead O'Connor...........Born Again Live.....at Lincoln Center......2013


Unknown said…
I agree, U must B Born Again!

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