I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Erykah Badu, hostess of the 2016 Soul Train Music Awards, produced a song in the 90's titled, " Call Tyrone."
According to the words of this soulful ballad, the songstress could no longer tolerate the ways and habits of her lover and was declaring to the world that it was over between the two. Complete and total separation --with haste -- was the only solution to this love affair gone bad. Without a doubt, they had reached the point of no return. It was now time to call it quits. Therefore, call your friend Tyrone and tell him to come help you pack your syit. You have got to go. So please, hurry and call Tyrone.....but you kaint use my phone.
Been there...done that.
Unfortunately, far more times then I like to remember I have had to"cease and desist" from maintaining a relationship that had proven it was not beneficially to my well being....mentally, physically, or spiritually.
When I was 16, I realized how fruitless it would be for me maintain a relationship with a public school system that was gearing me and preparing me to think a certain way. A proposed educational system that was encouraging me to pass standard tests and fit into a society well enough to secure a job in America. Yet, it was a system that was not preparing me to be a critical thinker or to follow my passions, nor instructing me how to develop my God given gifts and talents. Call Tyrone.
At the age of 20, after three years of loyal, honorable service during the Viet Nam era, I understood that it would be an act of insanity to continue to be engulfed in a relationship with the US Army in general and the US military as a whole.
By the age of 30, I was sentenced to ten years in federal prison.
Not because I wasn't raised right...but because no matter how hard I tried, no matter how I applied myself, no matter what path I took the ugly face of racism always showed its head and it's power to define my out come. If I could one day, against all odds, some how became the POTUS.... I would still remain, to a larger majority of the population to be a slave and a knigga.
schools... more working and raising a family --- and planning and saving and building bridges I eventually gave in to the influence that was being shown to me in Amerikkka.
The smart way, the Amerikkkan way, viewed by some to be the only way to truly achieve freedom, wealth, success, and status in America.........was to become a smooth criminal and then pass that mentality and legacy down to your family.
Climbing to a certain level in the racketeering and narcotics trafficking under-world leads you into a certain life-style that only a few achieve. For a person of color, the life-style makes you a threat, a radical, a non-conformist, and a person of interest to the US government because now you have what they don't want you to
have.....influence, money, and the power to define what happens in your neighborhoods and communities.
You have got to go.
All federal indictment's will read.....The United States Of America vs. John Doe.
Immediately you have committed a crime so horrendous that the entire country is now against you. Your citizenship in and your relationship with The United States of America is over...... Call Tyrone.
Praise God because He has never allowed me to look back or regret His Holy Spirit inspired decisions to separate myself from adverse situations, places, people, are things.
Nor, have I ever regretted the decisions made by other people, places, or things to separate themselves from me.
In many instance's I have found out that separation and not integration has been the best thing that could have happened to me.
I could never thank God enough for continuing to lead me down the path that is less traveled. I could never thank God enough for molding me into a person that hears a different drummer drumming.
I am not a clone.
God specializes.
He is the potter.... I am the clay.
Thank God that He has allowed me to live long enough to realize and understand that when God gets've got to move.
Donald Trump is the president-elect.........Call Tyrone.
Stephen Bannon, chairman of Brietbart News, a white supremacists newspaper is President Trumps chief strategist.
Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, is the new Attorney General. Sessions is quoted to have said, among other demonstrations of gross racial insensitivity that, " it's just wrong to try to force civil rights down the throats of white people."
Enough is enough....Its blasphemy to continue to live in a society that continues to keep pissing on my head and trying to convince me that its raining.... or its just a storm.... or this too will pass.
Things will be day.
I have lived a life time already and have yet to see the day when one day actually becomes a day.
What day is justice, freedom and equality day in amerikkka? When is the day that righteousness is rendered to people of color?
God is talking --loudly --to us......... but we have yet to listen...Guess what? I bet we are ready to listen now.....or we soon will be.
God, for what-ever reason, seems to be partial to separating things into three's. For instance: The Father - The Son - The Holy Spirit.
Lord - Have - Mercy.
In Heaven - In Earth - In Hell.
Kingdom -Of - God.....just to name a few.
Well, what if, hypothetically speaking, we considered this?
I, for one, don't want any part of Trump World.
Further, I have no desire to abide in Clinton Country.
Obama Land, from my perspective and estimation, is the best place to be as long as I am still in the earth.
Call Tyrone.
The only discussion to be made is how to divide the country into thirds. And that's really not a issue. However God slices the pie will be fine with me.
Once the division is decided....let the people make their choice which of the three territories and forms of government is best for them and their family.
However, all choices are final. You cannot change your mind after a month or year or what-ever after you realize that you made the wrong decision.
A spiritual revolution is about righteousness........nothing else.
Obedience to God and righteousness should be the barometer for your
Change of heart, mind and soul is not an option...its a mandate.
Marvel not....Ye must be born again to even see the kingdom of God in earth.