SUICIDE by cop
And he said unto them, Take me up, and cast me forth into the sea;
ST. LOUIS MO.........In what appeared to be an army of St. Louis County Police Officers converged on the property of North county residents, Isaac and Detria Outkast. Isaac Outkast is the fiery, out-spoken, executive director of the Outkast Revolutionary Party(ORP), an on-line, charity and human services organization.
Cell phone videos taken at the scene indicate that Outkast was not armed, but was immediately over-taken by the St Louis County Police, using an arsenal of weapons, after a brief exchange of words with the officers.
Outkast was pronounced dead at the scene.
Any long time advocates for freedom, justice, and righteousness in the St. Louis community, as well as many individuals in the writer/ artist genre may have knowledge about Oukast and his on-line charity that he funded through his unique style of blending consciousness, spirituality, and humor into his writings at his blogspot located at.... - -
The latest project for his non-profit business was attempting to sustain donations on Facebook, Everydayhero, and on his web page, for the development of a Critical Thinking Literacy Lab & Community Center. He envisioned a place of solace and refuge for today's mis-guided, mis-educated, and mis-understood youth in North St. Louis where he was raised.
Those in favor of his revolutionary ideas and methods to combat the war on the inner-city communities believe that he was murdered because of his vision and voice.
Outkast was known for injecting powerful, enlightening messages, and truths into his blogs, and had been a revolutionary voice in the St. Louis community since 1995. Some activist claim that it was a simple execution orchestrated and directed, primarily, because of the renewed vigor within the federal government office of Cointelpro.
However, there is flip-side to this story.
Sources, who claim to have been close to the artist, argue that it was not murder but rather that it was suicide......suicide by cop.
Suicide by cop is a suicide method in which a suicidal individual deliberately behaves in a threatening manner, with intent to provoke a lethal response from a law enforcement officer. People that submit to this form of death or people who are already contemplating suicide and who decide that provoking law enforcement into killing them is the best way to act on their desires.
This entire concept hinges on the person's state of mind, and their desire to end their own life, which can be difficult to determine post mortem.
Still, the group supporting this theory of Outkast death claim that because of the recent, overall, change in his health, employment, and financial conditions and situations that he - in fact - wanted to die.
Those, who claim to be in the know, say that if you combine those obvious stress factors with the added frustration and pain associated with not having his vision and passion for the community - the community he loved - come to fruition that it was obvious that his load just become too heavy a cross for him to bare.
So he made a conscience decision to end it all.
Only God knows.
The story you just read, for the most part, is true. Let the hearts of the readers decide which part is fiction and which is fact.
No matter what, this part is true.
That had it not been for the professionalism, character, and training demonstrated by the officers of the St. Louis County Police Department, and the protective spirit of God that always takes care of His own, the out come of the aforementioned circumstances and events that played out during the interaction between the St. Louis County Police Department and Mr. Outkast could have easily, escalated and progressed into an ending exactly like the one depicted in this blog.
Right now many people would have been left wondering what really happened?
Did the police make a mistake and go to the wrong address? Was it really an assassination ordained by the current government administration? Had the power brokers deduced that the voice stemming forth from the director of the Outkast Revolutionary Party(ORP) was just too big a threat to their control considering the current division and un-rest in this country? Or had Isaac, really, just gotten tired and gave in to the fear and the uncertainty of living life in America today?
The POTUS just said on prime time television that, "The whole world is angry....everybody is angry."
Not really.
Everybody is not angry, mad, confused, up-set, frustrated, disillusioned, saddened, frightened, doubtful, fearful, ashamed, hateful, nor harboring malice or ill-will, toward anyone on the planet.
Because some of us are totally and thoroughly convinced about who is in complete, absolute, and full control of this world and everything and everybody it in.
The Most High God is my shepherd......of whom shall I fear?
Marvel not; ye must be born again.