ST. LOUIS, MO........According to the latest data from the National Center for Health Statistics, 48 million surgical inpatient procedures were performed in the United States in 2009.
So what is that saying to me?
It's saying that these human bodies are falling apart and there is really nothing you can do about it. Nothing you can do to keep yourself alive. Rich people die, athletes die, vegans die, sinners die, saints die, and even children die.
Death can possibly - in your imagination - be postponed, but inevitability.......we're all gonna die.
What is so shocking is that America has produced some of the the greatest minds the world has ever seen, yet, we lead the world in sicknesses, disease, and violence. Surly, there are many people who will agree that the primary reason for a nation as advanced as ours to be staggered with chronic illness and disease can be directly attributed to a capitalist and greedy society.
However, some of the drama that is placed in and on our bodies is self-inflicted.
We spend fortunes trying to improve on the perfect body that we were born with. We go to great lenghts to prove to God that we know whats better for our bodies than He does.
We tattoo every inch of skin that we can find. We glue, press, burn, sew, and dye hair. We pierce and poke holes in and on our bodies in places never meant to have a hole. We spray, wipe, smear, pat, rub and inject chemicals and objects in every orifice we have and then wonder why we have problems in the womb and anus.
Our burger has to be the biggest, our steak the rarest, and our pork-chop plate the fullest. Yet, we kaint understand how we contracted lung, breast, rectal, and prostate cancer and or heart disease.
People we are a "hot mess."
Surly, a prudent person has to believe that there is a sadistic criminal link between hospitals and pharmaceutical companies. But the things we do to ourselves......we have no one to blame but ourselves.
Total heath care spending in America was approximately $2.7 trillion dollars in 2011. A little over 31 percent of that amount, or $814 billion, was spent on hospital services.
The US spends almost $1,000 per person per year on pharmaceuticals.
That's around 40 percent more than the next highest spender, Canada, and more than twice a much as countries like France and Germany spend. Overall, Americans use more medicines than every other developed country in the world, yet, we are dying at an alarming rate.
Life is killing us....one way or another.... due to the greed of others or due to our own vanity.
Here is another example of our impending death.
The POTUS is scheduled to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a few days. Prime Minister Netanyahu has openly stated that he and the POTUS , "see eye to eye."
However, news sources have indicated that the Prime Minister is going to take a really"get tough attitude" with the POTUS and let him know that there will be no more talk about a two state occupied territory in the Palestine region and that Israel is moving forward in their quest for total occupation of the Holy land.
Like him or not the POTUS is not the guy you want to "get tuff with" or bully. Not him. Please not him.
No one is really sure just what the POTUS is capable of saying or doing.
I can only imagine Prime Minister Netanyahu gettin loud and berating and scolding the POTUS in regards to his superiority and holiness and pointing out the POTUS lack of virtue, morals, and righteousness.
I can only imagine Prime Minister Netanyahu gettin loud and berating and scolding the POTUS in regards to his superiority and holiness and pointing out the POTUS lack of virtue, morals, and righteousness.
Why the POTUS may get into one of his rants and say something like, "Oh yeah, well everybody knows that you Israeli guys ain't the original guys from over there anyway." "You know, you know, you know, your guys took that land from the original African Hebrew guys a long time ago."
"Yeah, yeah, and that Jesus guy, his real name was Yeshua or something like that...something with a Y...at least that's what His mother and brothers called Him." "So you see Mr. Net..... or whatever your name is.....you have plenty of dirty laundry too...so don't get so high and mighty with me." "I'll make you get out of there."Sure this may sound crazy, but if anyone could or would have the nerve to speak truth to the power in Israel........in his own bi-polar way....it would be the current POTUS.
A truthful statement like this would not only light the fire for WWIII in the Middle East, but it would also be the start of the American Civil War II, here in this country.
Wow. Sometimes it seems like its all just TOO MUCH. There seems to be assaults and attacks being aimed to destroy the masses of Gods people in every area and in ever aspect and direction in our lives. To some I am sure it appears that there is no hope......no possible way of navigating through the uncertainty and apparent - uselessness - of life.
Well, I'm here to tell you that there is hope. For those of us that happen to know....without a doubt.....that God is real....there is always hope. The Most High God has proven to some of us, by His Holy Spirit, that no matter what is going on......we have an inner peace that transcends all understanding, and the satisfaction of knowing that if I stay in the fold.....in the flow of God....I kaint lose. We know that there is a hero.....and the hero lives in me.
Marvel not; ye must be born again.