This is an evil generation: they seek a sign; and there shall no sigh be given it; but the sign of Jonas the prophet. For as Jonas was a sigh unto the Ninevites, so shall also the Son of man be to this generation. 

Jonah, regarded as the reluctant prophet, is the only one, of the Twelve Minor Prophets of the Hebrew Bible, to be mentioned in all three major religions - Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

 According to the historical writings, Jonah refused to follow the command of God to go to Nineveh, a city in Assyria on the river Tigris opposite Mosul in Iraq (ancient Africa) and preach repentance to the Gentiles.

God demanded that the Gentiles repent "because their great wickedness is come up before me."  Jonah, instead seeks to flee from the presence of the Lord. He did not believe that the Gentiles should be given a chance for repentance, salvation and redemption. He felt that they only needed to be judged and condemned for their errors, wickedness, and evil ways.

 The story says that for his disobedience Jonah was confined in the belly of a gigantic fish until he was compelled to "repent ecstatically" for his attempted deviation from his calling.

In the end, Jonah did exactly what God wanted him to do and God did exactly what He always does for those that repent.......He had mercy upon them and  forgave them.

This act of kindness toward the Gentiles angered Jonah to the utmost...in fact he prayed to God, "I beseech thee, take my life from me; for it is better for me to die than to live." Jonah would rather be buried in his grave then to see the children of wrath forgiven for their evil and wicked deeds.

 God referred to the Gentiles as a people who's heart, mind and soul was so bound by Satan that they could not discern the difference between their right hand and their left.

 Still, if they would turn from their wicked ways, and repent, they had a right to be a part of the family of God ........... just like the Hebrew children.

God has a plan. Further, he always has a man to implement His plan .

He always has somebody, whom He calls, chooses, qualifies, and then sends to inform the wicked what they must do to avoid falling into the path and wrath of a vengeful, and just.... Almighty God.

Historical writings indicate that "many are called but only a few are chosen." And the one chosen never wants to do the job.


Because the chosen one already knows that God is Merciful.

He already knows that if the wicked will turn from their evil ways, repent, and strive to live a godly lifestyle,  that God will "have mercy" on them and save them from the wrath that is "sure" to come to this disobedient and evil generation.

 Righteous behavior and obedience earns the favor of God.

Gods man already knows that.

But, sometimes, Gods man gets tired and when Gods man gets tired........God Himself gets tired too.

 Gods man gets tired of seeing the real savages, "satans imps" avoid justice for all the evil and madness they have perpetrated against the children of God. He then petitions to God to withhold His mercy and instead enter into the season of judgement.

Gods man then begins to call for, and pray for, the emergence of "the other" side of God.

The "flip side."

The side no one wants to talk about or see coming.       

The wrath of God.

The side God unleashes when He gets tired of our foolishness and also gets tired of the wickedness of others.
NBC NEWS reported recently that diplomatic efforts between the United States and Iran are in peril.

The POTUS has increased his public attacks on The Middle East. "Surrender without a fight or surrender with a fight" is the current message coming out of the White House.

Do we see where mankind is heading?                                                Apparently not.

"I said I wasn't gonna write "no-more" blogs like this."


Because its obvious that God is getting our attention, but we have "stopped caring and listening."

It appears that the people have no fear of God.  It would be safe to say that the masses don't actually believe that there are consequences for disobedience to God and also for disobedience to Gods man.

Therein lies much of the problem ....... we can't discern "who" Gods man is?


Primarily, because we don't want to and because we are looking in the wrong places.

Gods man - just like Jonah - really doesn't "want" to be the instrument that God uses to manifest the truth.

However, he has to.

He has no choice.

Because its not about him and what he wants....its about glorifying  God and His Creation.

So you won't find Gods man surrounded by a crowd........because the crowd really doesn't want to hear the truth.

But the spiritual wickedness in this world is propelling righteousness to come forth and creation will have to lift him up for the world to see.

I said I wasn't gonna write no more blogs like this.

No more blogs about racist people "knockin us down, shootin us down and then kickin us" when we down.

 No more blogs about the deaths of black men and women at the hands of the police.

No more blogs about the black "two legged animals" terrorizing the residents, and especially, the senior citizens in our own neighborhoods. No more blogs about black people, killin' other black people, just for being black people.

No more blogs about the new/not new Prison Industrial Complex or the grade school to prison pipeline, or the institutional and systematic racism so prevalent within the criminal "unjust" system.

No more blogs about, "despite historically high unemployment rates and gross poverty in amerikkka,   Blacks have shown resiliency in their ability to PERSEVERE AS CONSUMERS.'


Yes......black people don't produce anything as a unit, as a collective, as a group drawn together by common bonds -  like every other culture in this country has done - all we do is consume.

It's expected that $1.3 trillion dollars will be spent by blacks in amerikkka in 2018.

 I wonder what would happen if we didn't spend it?

"I said I wasnt gonna write no-more blogs like this'................I lied.

Marvel not....ye must be born again..........TG4RG


                                         Gil Scott Heron........Message To The Messengers


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