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"Until a man finds himself he will ruin every woman he comes across" |
St. Louis, MO - January 13, 2019..........
I first had access to the Internet or World Wide Web, in 1993.
I knew then that allowing individuals to connect on-line to the whole world had the capability to transform ordinary people, like myself, into very, very, enlightened individuals. I was born with a passion for learning. And my mother always encouraged and challenged me to strive to obtaining an education that included wisdom, knowledge, and understanding well above and beyond that which was being offered in conventional schools, colleges, and universities. The World Wide Web was a dream come true for me. The information highway was like a toy I always wanted.
The World Wide Web provided unlimited information at my finger tips.
If there was anything that I had a question about, "ANYTHING" I could find, not only "an" answer, but a "detailed" answer, without ever living the comfort of my living room.
God was good and life was grand.
Unfortunately, there is a "flip-side" to having unlimited access to the world. The world, also has, unlimited access TO YOU - !!!
There is no hiding place out here. Once you make yourself a participant in the game of acquiring and sharing information - the gloves are off.
There is no hiding place out here. Once you make yourself a participant in the game of acquiring and sharing information - the gloves are off.
The information autobahn has no friends and takes no prisoners.
So if you are going to be a mover and shaker out here in the fast lane of social media you had better "keep it real" and "come correct" because just as sure as there are millions of people who will admire you for your openness and honesty there are " haters" out here, male and female bytches, who walk around with a "pic and a shovel" waiting for and looking for an opportunity to "dig up" something from your past, that you did or didn't do, to use against you in an attempt to poison the minds and hearts of those that truly love and care about you.
It's happened to me before, undoubtedly, it will happen again. Haters hate.
With that being said let me talk about ME first before someone else does. Which brings me to the quote subtitled in this blog: "until a man finds himself he will ruin every woman he comes into contact with" (translated: ruined to loving and trusting another man)
With that being said let me talk about ME first before someone else does. Which brings me to the quote subtitled in this blog: "until a man finds himself he will ruin every woman he comes into contact with" (translated: ruined to loving and trusting another man)
Recently, I posted a picture of four of my nine children. My first set (son & daughter) by my first wife and my last set (son and daughter) by my current and last wife.
Let me say for the record that the mothers of my children HAVE NEVER BEEN THE PROBLEM in the relationship....the problem has always been me. Seriously!!! Who didn't know that??????
I thank God because the mothers of my children had/have a born-again, personal relationship, with the real and true, living God. They had to know God to put up with me.
There is no-way, that two people, that both know and love God, can fail in their relationship.....if they desire to please God - and stay together. I would start out with the desire but it would eventually fade simply because I truly thought I was God's gift to women.
Surly, sometimes, its just not meant to be. But usually, nine-times-out-of-ten, its the man's fault because he cannot or chooses not to bring his flesh, his finances, his habits, or "all of the above" under control, or at least manageable control, as opposed to outtacontrol to sustain and maintain a committed relationship with a "queen' that has proven to have your back.
I thank God for my current and last wife. I am saddened sometime when I reflect that she came along at a time when God was transitioning my mother to take on a "new life in her new home' and she and my mother never got to have that bond and connection that the other mothers of my children had with my mother. But she has been raised right and is in possession of an "old soul" which makes her, still, know my mother in many ways.
God did/does always know what he is doing. My mother died the year before my wife and I got married. And I honesty believe that if she had not been there for me during that difficult time in my life I am unsure just where I might be today and I'm also unclear as to what state of mind I would be in.
Most sons claim to love their mother.
But for me, it is much more than a claim.
As a child I can recall watching my mother suffer tremendous mental, physical, and spiritual abuse (mostly from good ole' church folks) for being honest about me and who my father is. She wasnt boasting but she wasn't lying either. Haters - male and female - self-righteous folks, ostracized her because she didn't toss me in a dumpster - at birth - like some thought she should.
As a child I can recall watching my mother suffer tremendous mental, physical, and spiritual abuse (mostly from good ole' church folks) for being honest about me and who my father is. She wasnt boasting but she wasn't lying either. Haters - male and female - self-righteous folks, ostracized her because she didn't toss me in a dumpster - at birth - like some thought she should.
Little did the haters know, but my mother came from good, quality stock, and God had his arms of love and protection securely wrapped around my mother all the days of her life. Until one day she met a man that told her to....."Marvel not; ye must be born again" And for that, I am forever grateful.
Happy Birthday, Mama (Sister Vivian) - January 13th - R.I.P.