.....to LIVE is Christ.......to DIE is gain.......
According to scripture, the Apostle Paul, a devout Hebrew/Israelite, had come to the conclusion that he couldn't lose.
Either in life or death he had the victory.
He was convinced that he was a winner. He professed, for I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate me from the love of God.
Wow!! what a completely divine spirit he possessed to make such a profound statement.
Because everybody kaint say that.
In fact, most people kaint say that.
And of the ones that do say it...the majority of them are lying.
You have to be lying because no one REALLY wants to die to prove it.😏 No one wants to even think about dying. No one really wants to leave here. Many of us love this sin sick world toooooo much to leave it. We're having tooooooooo much fun.😈 Um hum keep having it. Play time is going to end soon☻
So, for the few people who can make that statement and mean it .....it is only because you have had enough experiences in this life with God to know that nothing can compare to being saturated by his indwelling spirit "EXCEPT" being TOTALLY ENGULFED by it...free from the confines of your flesh/body.
Totally Free.
Oblivious to your current situation and conditions.
Anyone who has ever spent any substantial time in solitary confinement knows what I mean.
In solitary you have to learn to live your life in the spirit because you body/physical movements are redistricted to an area that is 10 feet high and 8 feet wide, for 23 three hours a day, everyday, every week, every month, and every year, year after year.
So you must learn to live from within.... or should I say God has to teach you how to do it. I have witnessed the growth and development of some of the most physically, mentally, and spiritually adorned individuals on the planet, created by God, while warehoused in a 8/10 federal prison cell.
I have also met Satan in solitary.
On total lock down your choices are limited. You either become a god or you become a devil. You become a devil in (1) of (2) ways. (1)you become a devil because you literally go crazy{you become dangerous to yourself and start eating your own flesh}...... or (2)you lose your righteous mind{the ability to love over hate}
So, in order to survive and flourish you must TRUST GOD COMPLETELY!!!
You must trust God enough to know that if you're truly connected to God you will still be connected WITHOUT YOUR FLESH or without being able to see your reflection in the mirror.😅
This is too deep ain't it?😁
Let me give you an example. I had/have a younger brother...ten years my junior.
The daunting young man in the middle holding my oldest daughter on his shoulders is my beloved brother Mark.
These other three charismatic characters, starting from the left is my youngest brother, my oldest son, and my oldest nephew. Like ALL my siblings - ( 3 three brothers and 1 sister) one day Mark had been touched, regenerated, and rejuvenated by the spirit of God while attending services at my fathers house of pray.(rsmbc)
To be honest though, I'm not sure that Mark even needed to be, born again, or reconnected to the current of Gods Spirit - because his spirit never drifted far away from the upward path anyway. Mark was always, without trying, demonstrating what "#BeLikeChrist" was about. If there was a picture of a real friend, a brother, a confident, a son, an uncle, a cousin, or a nephew, in the dictionary, it would be a picture of Mark. He was just that all around, unpretentious, good guy. I didn't say that he was a saint...but he was as real and genuine as a person as you can get.
Mark died when he was just 28 years young.😇
He transitioned from human and divine to just divine on October 31, 1993(#trickrtreat).
We knew Mark was sick........................ but we weren't expected him to leave us. Not like that.
Officially, they say Mark died because of complications associated with the disease Lupus.
We knew and understood as much as we could about what was going with him and the treatments and the side-effects of the medications.
We knew Mark was tired........................but we didn't know that in his weakness he was gaining strength in the inner-man.
His quality of life had been dramatically altered because of his physical conditioned. But what we didn't know was that Mark had evolved to a place where he made a conscience decision to live or die.
He decided to trust God completely. Mark totally stopped taking all medications and treatment for his multiple conditions and yet - kept going on - handling his daily affairs as usual until he couldn't any more.
Then one day he crawled into bed and never got up.
After he was gone we found a plethora of his medications under his bed. He just slept away......from earth to glory. It was his choice...his decision. And God was in the midst of it all because he had us - his family - in a daze. We left him alone in his room....we thought he was just tired and sleeping....HE WAS.
Oh sure, he could have stayed for the benefit of his family and others who wanted to continue to drain from his spirit. But it wouldn't have been the same. Those of us that professed to love him so much should of been stepping up our own evolution and evolving to the place where he was in his daily spiritual walk instead of being sorrowful basically because he was gone and we couldn't ride him anymore.😼
Instead of being thankful that he lived 'and died' on his on terms. Some of us who felt cheated let their mourning turn into bitterness towards those of us who were in mourning too.
But Mark lived his life to the fullest and for him to be confined to a life (which wasn't a life but an existence) of prescription drugs, medications, treatments and UNABLE to soar like he had always done WAS NOT the life for him.
Its not the life for me either.
Don't get it twisted I'm not trying to die but I'm not going to be kicking the hospitals and doctors door down trying to stay here either.
I've lived long enough to know that "the quality of life is more important than the quantity of days". You've got to grow into that spirit for yourself.....just like the Apostle Paul did. He knew and I know that I kaint lose. In life or death. I know that I have the victory because I am connected to God like white on rice.😎
And I'm not going to let anything separate me from that connection: not money, land, houses, cars, children, grand-children, great-grand children, wives/husbands, occupations, titles, degrees, men/women(including those that don't know what they are), church(including church business), drugs, the IRS, alcohol, religions(including religious names😼) pensions, prisons, licenses, afflictions, politics, mothers/fathers, surgeries(including having no surgeries), diseases, businesses, poisons, war(including rumors of war) politics or stray bullets.
I'm not going out of here stressing about none of that.
I refuse to be stressing out on things present nor on things to come. And things present or bad enough but what is coming, will surly, take you out if you are not totally connected to, and caught up in, the spiritual current of life in God.
Listen up people.✍
As we embark into 2020 the current POTUS, Donald Trump, stands poised to be re-elected for four more years. These coming years will dismantle America as we now know it.
This profound truth has made former POTUS, Barack Obama, change his retirement plans.
After Trumps initial upset victory as president and his re-election bid Obama has chosen a different profession: He has become an agent for social change by way of social media and he has amassed a cornucopia of high level officials, including advocates for conscience intelligence, and cyber security, that now have occupations in technology, media, and news organizations such as Netflix, Google, Facebook, PBS broadcasting, and other media outlets.
Their goal is to connect with conscience minded individuals to thwart a movement by a repressive, totalitarian, authoritarian government that, at this point, rules amerikkka and much of the world. The next four plus years will be dismal for this country and especially for africansNamerikkka. The sad truth is that this country will have to endure a time of intense suffering due to our own rebellion against God.
But the good news is that this time of suffering for a season will, eventually, bring about an era of extreme joy. A new day is dawning and the only way for those of us desiring to be a part of this "Great Awakening"is to be connected conscientiously and spiritually through mass social media outlets and venues not controlled by the government.
At the writing of this blog spiritual wickedness working for and through its imps is having a dramatic impact on the thinking, behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, purchases and voting preferences of supporters of the current administration. Many people are preparing for civil, as well as, global war.
Its time to #wakeupfam.
The Outkast Revolutionary Party(ORP) can be compared to the old Hebrew Noah, in Africa, building an ark in the middle of the desert where it had never rained. Like Noah, we too have been creating a safe haven of truth, love, and information as, a charitable organization for a new generation.... since 1995. People laughed at Noah.........until it started to rain. Some people laughed at us until the current POTUS was elected....now, like that Gill-Scott Heron song, " its winter in amerikkka", and nobody is laughing. They told Noah that he should quit and give it up. They told us that too. But it wasn't time for Noah - until it was time. It wasn't time for The ORP either......BUT ITS TIME NOW!!!
All tax-deductible donations can be made on our web page. Thank you for your support.
"marvel not, ye must be born again"
Winter in America...............Gil Scott-Heron
According to scripture, the Apostle Paul, a devout Hebrew/Israelite, had come to the conclusion that he couldn't lose.
Either in life or death he had the victory.
He was convinced that he was a winner. He professed, for I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate me from the love of God.
Wow!! what a completely divine spirit he possessed to make such a profound statement.
Because everybody kaint say that.
In fact, most people kaint say that.
And of the ones that do say it...the majority of them are lying.
You have to be lying because no one REALLY wants to die to prove it.😏 No one wants to even think about dying. No one really wants to leave here. Many of us love this sin sick world toooooo much to leave it. We're having tooooooooo much fun.😈 Um hum keep having it. Play time is going to end soon☻
So, for the few people who can make that statement and mean it .....it is only because you have had enough experiences in this life with God to know that nothing can compare to being saturated by his indwelling spirit "EXCEPT" being TOTALLY ENGULFED by it...free from the confines of your flesh/body.
Totally Free.
Oblivious to your current situation and conditions.
Anyone who has ever spent any substantial time in solitary confinement knows what I mean.
In solitary you have to learn to live your life in the spirit because you body/physical movements are redistricted to an area that is 10 feet high and 8 feet wide, for 23 three hours a day, everyday, every week, every month, and every year, year after year.
So you must learn to live from within.... or should I say God has to teach you how to do it. I have witnessed the growth and development of some of the most physically, mentally, and spiritually adorned individuals on the planet, created by God, while warehoused in a 8/10 federal prison cell.
I have also met Satan in solitary.
On total lock down your choices are limited. You either become a god or you become a devil. You become a devil in (1) of (2) ways. (1)you become a devil because you literally go crazy{you become dangerous to yourself and start eating your own flesh}...... or (2)you lose your righteous mind{the ability to love over hate}
So, in order to survive and flourish you must TRUST GOD COMPLETELY!!!
You must trust God enough to know that if you're truly connected to God you will still be connected WITHOUT YOUR FLESH or without being able to see your reflection in the mirror.😅
This is too deep ain't it?😁
Let me give you an example. I had/have a younger brother...ten years my junior.
These other three charismatic characters, starting from the left is my youngest brother, my oldest son, and my oldest nephew. Like ALL my siblings - ( 3 three brothers and 1 sister) one day Mark had been touched, regenerated, and rejuvenated by the spirit of God while attending services at my fathers house of pray.(rsmbc)
To be honest though, I'm not sure that Mark even needed to be, born again, or reconnected to the current of Gods Spirit - because his spirit never drifted far away from the upward path anyway. Mark was always, without trying, demonstrating what "#BeLikeChrist" was about. If there was a picture of a real friend, a brother, a confident, a son, an uncle, a cousin, or a nephew, in the dictionary, it would be a picture of Mark. He was just that all around, unpretentious, good guy. I didn't say that he was a saint...but he was as real and genuine as a person as you can get.
Mark died when he was just 28 years young.😇
He transitioned from human and divine to just divine on October 31, 1993(#trickrtreat).
We knew Mark was sick........................ but we weren't expected him to leave us. Not like that.
Officially, they say Mark died because of complications associated with the disease Lupus.
We knew and understood as much as we could about what was going with him and the treatments and the side-effects of the medications.
We knew Mark was tired........................but we didn't know that in his weakness he was gaining strength in the inner-man.
His quality of life had been dramatically altered because of his physical conditioned. But what we didn't know was that Mark had evolved to a place where he made a conscience decision to live or die.
He decided to trust God completely. Mark totally stopped taking all medications and treatment for his multiple conditions and yet - kept going on - handling his daily affairs as usual until he couldn't any more.
Then one day he crawled into bed and never got up.
After he was gone we found a plethora of his medications under his bed. He just slept away......from earth to glory. It was his choice...his decision. And God was in the midst of it all because he had us - his family - in a daze. We left him alone in his room....we thought he was just tired and sleeping....HE WAS.
Oh sure, he could have stayed for the benefit of his family and others who wanted to continue to drain from his spirit. But it wouldn't have been the same. Those of us that professed to love him so much should of been stepping up our own evolution and evolving to the place where he was in his daily spiritual walk instead of being sorrowful basically because he was gone and we couldn't ride him anymore.😼
Instead of being thankful that he lived 'and died' on his on terms. Some of us who felt cheated let their mourning turn into bitterness towards those of us who were in mourning too.
But Mark lived his life to the fullest and for him to be confined to a life (which wasn't a life but an existence) of prescription drugs, medications, treatments and UNABLE to soar like he had always done WAS NOT the life for him.
Its not the life for me either.
Don't get it twisted I'm not trying to die but I'm not going to be kicking the hospitals and doctors door down trying to stay here either.
I've lived long enough to know that "the quality of life is more important than the quantity of days". You've got to grow into that spirit for yourself.....just like the Apostle Paul did. He knew and I know that I kaint lose. In life or death. I know that I have the victory because I am connected to God like white on rice.😎
And I'm not going to let anything separate me from that connection: not money, land, houses, cars, children, grand-children, great-grand children, wives/husbands, occupations, titles, degrees, men/women(including those that don't know what they are), church(including church business), drugs, the IRS, alcohol, religions(including religious names😼) pensions, prisons, licenses, afflictions, politics, mothers/fathers, surgeries(including having no surgeries), diseases, businesses, poisons, war(including rumors of war) politics or stray bullets.
I'm not going out of here stressing about none of that.
I refuse to be stressing out on things present nor on things to come. And things present or bad enough but what is coming, will surly, take you out if you are not totally connected to, and caught up in, the spiritual current of life in God.
Listen up people.✍
As we embark into 2020 the current POTUS, Donald Trump, stands poised to be re-elected for four more years. These coming years will dismantle America as we now know it.
This profound truth has made former POTUS, Barack Obama, change his retirement plans.
After Trumps initial upset victory as president and his re-election bid Obama has chosen a different profession: He has become an agent for social change by way of social media and he has amassed a cornucopia of high level officials, including advocates for conscience intelligence, and cyber security, that now have occupations in technology, media, and news organizations such as Netflix, Google, Facebook, PBS broadcasting, and other media outlets.
Their goal is to connect with conscience minded individuals to thwart a movement by a repressive, totalitarian, authoritarian government that, at this point, rules amerikkka and much of the world. The next four plus years will be dismal for this country and especially for africansNamerikkka. The sad truth is that this country will have to endure a time of intense suffering due to our own rebellion against God.
But the good news is that this time of suffering for a season will, eventually, bring about an era of extreme joy. A new day is dawning and the only way for those of us desiring to be a part of this "Great Awakening"is to be connected conscientiously and spiritually through mass social media outlets and venues not controlled by the government.
At the writing of this blog spiritual wickedness working for and through its imps is having a dramatic impact on the thinking, behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, purchases and voting preferences of supporters of the current administration. Many people are preparing for civil, as well as, global war.
Its time to #wakeupfam.
The Outkast Revolutionary Party(ORP) can be compared to the old Hebrew Noah, in Africa, building an ark in the middle of the desert where it had never rained. Like Noah, we too have been creating a safe haven of truth, love, and information as, a charitable organization for a new generation.... since 1995. People laughed at Noah.........until it started to rain. Some people laughed at us until the current POTUS was elected....now, like that Gill-Scott Heron song, " its winter in amerikkka", and nobody is laughing. They told Noah that he should quit and give it up. They told us that too. But it wasn't time for Noah - until it was time. It wasn't time for The ORP either......BUT ITS TIME NOW!!!
All tax-deductible donations can be made on our web page. Thank you for your support.
"marvel not, ye must be born again"