" If I have told you earthly things, and you believe not;
how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?"
At the writing of this blog The Covid-19 pandemic is raging out of control with no relief in sight and the death toll is reaching astronomical proportions world wide.
Tt appears that the question has become not "will" you and I contract the virus, but rather "when"???
It seems to be inevitable that at some point it touches you or someone you love. Speaking of love, its being reported that individuals have a greater chance of acquiring the covid at a gathering or "super spreader event" with your family and friends. Something like a Thanksgiving Gettogether Feast or Christmas Holiday Party Ritual.......just so you know.
And for those of us that haven't been subjected to this poison we are still suffering from what has been labeled as "pandemic fatigue" according, to the World Health Organization, which estimates that half of the worlds population is effected with the illness of massive fatigue.
Quite frankly, the Covid-19 pandemic has worn us out, literally.
Some describe that the pandemic feels like it has added an additional 1000 pound weight to the cares of this life that had many of us already on the verge of homicide or suicide.
A plethora of individuals are reveling that just dealing with supervisors, co-workers, family, vendors, so-called friends, and suppliers was challenging before Covid-19, but now stress levels seem to have increased to the 10th power.
We are so distressed and oppressed that a large majority of us are considering taking a covid-19 vaccine as soon as one is made available.
Common sense should warn us that it makes no difference who is seated in the Oval Office and controls the message regarding the vaccine. The objective coming from the White House is the same and that is to market a vaccine as soon as possible because both political parties are controlled by the wealthiest and largest lobby in the country: the pharmaceutical industry.
And what the pharmaceutical giants want...the pharmaceutical giants get.
The legalization and non-criminalization of medicinal and recreational cannabis has created an upsurge in wide spread usage and consumption of the cannabis herb all across america.
The president-elect and his vice ran on a promise to make cannabis legal throughout the country while at the same time endorsing a "hurry-up development" of a covid vaccination.
Somebody is lying to the american people and here is why.
Legal cannabis has put a substantial dent in the bottom line of the major pharmaceutical drug manufacturers and their distributors. That's why at this very moment Pfizer and other mega pharmaceutical conglomerates are plotting to make enormous profits by producing a vaccine, at the governments expense, for over seven billion five hundred million black, poor, and oppressed people. A vaccination for a plague that we "#AreNotEvenSure" where it came from!!!
If the truth be told, the jury is still out, on whether or not this is some form of biological terrorism/warfare initiated by either a foreign or domestic enemy of america and america's allies.
But, one thing is for sure. And that one thing is that people are dying. But everybody is not dying.
This thing seems to effect different people in different ways. For example: some people loose their taste and smell, some infected people don't. Some have severe headaches, some don't. They say you have to have a fever, yet, many people that have tested positive don't. They claim that many people have a severe cough, yet, many people don't. Fatigue and loss of energy seems to be common symptom but for some older adults fatigue is common anyway.
Children of The Most High God we have to be conscience, cognizant, and wise enough to rely totally on the voice of the inner man/woman to order our steps and guide our minds through these difficult times. We also must have courage enough to refuse to participate in any trials and also refuse to be vaccinated by whatever covid drug is approved by the government. Realizing that God and God alone is keeping us alive.
History has proven to us that the FDA has been bought by corporate money just like the rest of Washington D.C., therefore, we must be forever mindful of the games that have played at our expense. Games like the
Tuskegee Syphilis Study/ Experiment. And government programs like the King Alfred Plan, the federal government welfare program, and countless other programs and experiments supposedly aimed at helping AfricansNamerikkka but actually promoting genicide and terrorism against us.
Tuskegee Syphilis Study/ Experiment. And government programs like the King Alfred Plan, the federal government welfare program, and countless other programs and experiments supposedly aimed at helping AfricansNamerikkka but actually promoting genicide and terrorism against us.
We must also be mindful that over 73 million people, business people, religious people, people holding white and blue collar positions, in all occupation's, and from all walks of life, voted for the POTUS to be the POTUS for four more years.
That's beyond scary considering he re-instituted the open practice of, active racism, spiritual wickedness, and hatred and endorsed bigotry as fashionable and popular in amerikkka and made division his cultural base.
Certainly, we have some difficult days ahead and we need to be conscience of the fact that our answers will not come from "powers without" they will come from" the power within".
As as I ponder the days and months to come I have to always resort to times and places in my life when it appeared that all hope was lost and I didn't know what to do.
During those times my spirit has always reminded me of one of the many teachings of my father(TG4RG) who God sent to lead poor, oppressed, underprivileged and marginalized people for 30 years, beginning in 1931 until his death in 1961.
How ironic that because of Covid-19 we are currently witnessing poverty, devastation and starvation levels not seen in this country since The Great Depression Era (1929-1939). But as always, in our most trying times, God sends a man, with a blue print to uplift fallen humanity and redirect us from a horizonal plane to a vertical plane of righteousness and oneness with God.
Still, when we consider the Great Depression Era for a minute, the His-Story of this country conjures up visions of a country bombarded and, seemingly, possessed with plagues, diseases, dust storms, prohibitions, draughts, wars, poverty, famine, targeted drug addiction, and overt and covert racism.
It was a time when black people were being hung from lamp posts in downtown East St. Louis, IL, Tulsa, OK, and other major cities in amerikkka. Yet, in the midst of all forms of madness and disease, God instructed my father to teach his followers how to get in touch with and how to stay in touch with the indwelling Spirit of God, because they were in a spiritual battle, and spiritual weaponry was/is needed to defeat the spiritual enemy.
It was a time when black people were being hung from lamp posts in downtown East St. Louis, IL, Tulsa, OK, and other major cities in amerikkka. Yet, in the midst of all forms of madness and disease, God instructed my father to teach his followers how to get in touch with and how to stay in touch with the indwelling Spirit of God, because they were in a spiritual battle, and spiritual weaponry was/is needed to defeat the spiritual enemy.
Often, he would teach that "when u don't know what to do.....don't do nothing... just be still...humble yourself to Gods presence, stay in a repented(merciful) state of mind, and listen for the voice, and let the spirit of God guide you.....don't try to #MakeSomethingHappen.
So with that thought in mind I visited an area today where I knew -- at one point in my life -- that I was surly not going to make it through.
Today, I just needed to be reminded with a visual of one of several times when I had concluded I just couldn't bare the situation I was in anymore, but the Creator of the World said, "Yes you can".
Today, I just needed to be reminded with a visual of one of several times when I had concluded I just couldn't bare the situation I was in anymore, but the Creator of the World said, "Yes you can".
I returned to the USPS as a full-time City Letter Carrier at the age of fifty(50) years old.
God is funny.
I had been separated from the postal service for some nineteen(19) years, partial because I had to fulfill a ten year(10) commitment with another government agency--- the Federal Bureau of Prisons. 😏
When I left the USPS I resigned my position as a Tractor-Trailer Operator(TTO/Motor Vehicle Operator/MVO). In fact, I had been trained to operate any and all vehicles in the postal service fleet.
But not this time.
This time if I wanted this good paying job I would be required to deliver mail from a pouch/sack -- on my back.
At the age of fifty this might not sound like the prudent thing to do but, "what the heck, right, how hard can walking all day be? Its good exercise, right?"
To successfully carry mail, on your back, walking all day, between 6 and 10 miles a day, with NO access to a mail truck, at the age of fifty or any other age for that matter has a lot to do with terrain, landscape, asphalt, turf, elevation, weather, volume, and perspective.
Bare with me, I'm getting there......💨
Many of you, I'm sure, have never paid much attention to the green colored mail boxes or "relay boxes" in your neighborhoods are communities. The green boxes are not for depositing mail, they are used to hold mail for a mail carrier to deliver on his route.
Hopefully/probably, these routes called "walk outs" are not in existence anymore, but they mean just what they say, you 'walk out" of your post office burdened down with 1st class mail, 2nd class mail magazine's and flats, and bundles of addressed ADVO's or advertisement mail in your pouch and in both arms.
You follow the coordinated addresses on the mail to make your deliveries and when you finished delivering all the mail in your pouch and arms you will "like magic" be within a few feet of another "green relay box" full of mail for you to load up like a pack mule and continue to delivery mail again.
This scenario plays out all day long as you travel in a complicated, upside down "U" or horseshoe pattern traveling from green mail box to green mail box until you hopefully/joyfully return to your starting point at the post office.
If you are lucky, there will be a QuikTrip or some sort of fast food restaurant or other business establishment on your route. Because, if its not, someone may/will call-in on your for using their rose bushes as a toilet.
Also, you pray it doesn't rain, because there is no room for a rain coat in you mail pouch. Additionally, you pray it doesn't start snowing, because no one is going to bring you any snow boots or gloves.
And last but not least, you pray that you don't have to deliver in a hilly part of town where you may have to climb 10-20 steps up to the house mail box and then 10-20 steps down because a fence divides you from crossing over to the next house without coming back down the steps first.
So, you could have 20-30 houses, with 10-20 steps, on one side of the street and then have the same amount of houses and steps on the other side of the street.
Keep in mind this could be for one block are upwards of 40-60 blocks or nearly your entire daily route.
I had some very, very bad days on this walk-out route.
There were days that I wanted to cry, there were days I did cry, there were days that I felt like I was going to die. More than once one of my postal customers would have to call 911 so that the The St. Charles, MO first responders could come to my aid and assistance because I was passed out on the curb due to dehydration, heat stroke, and fatigue. Don't get it twisted, I was not the first individual to be subdued by a "walk-out" route.
Countless, " postal new-hires", half my age, went running and screaming away from a city mail carrier position, in St. Charles, Mo. A position that could eventually pay an annual salary, with over-time, of over $100.000 a year. Many left after their first week, and some after their first day on a "walk-out route'. But God had given me a different prospective.
God had already orchestrated the USPS to hire an ex-federal convict. Surly, God wanted me to have this position so quitting was not an option.
Gods grace and mercy has brought me all the way. It brought me through then and I realize that if tomorrow comes it will be because of Gods grace and mercy again.
Not because of me.
So in essence I just had to learn to deal with it all, the snow, the rain, the heat, the dogs, the hills and valleys, and the customers and trust God and Gods timing, knowing that in time this "#routeFromHell... too shall pass
I said all that to say this.
We don't have a clue concerning what tomorrow may bring in regards to this Covid-19 pandemic, violence, poverty, homelessness, or any other wickedness that is running rampant in the earth, and especially in amerikkka, but one thing is for sure.
The Creator of the World does.
And he did nor give us the spirit of fear. What we must do is get all the way wrapped up inside the inner/spiritual man/woman so we can stop stressing over the things that are happening outwardly.
If you are connected to the spiritual current of God there is a calmness over on the inside that transcends all outer thoughts and understanding.
There is a peace with-in that carries you through your daily affairs' and no matter what comes or goes your destiny is assured because yo have given your life "back" to the spirit of God that knew you when you were still connected to it in your mothers womb. The same Spirit of God that made us in Gods image that we were connected to before we took on a body of flesh for our spirit to dwell in.
Our day-to-day survival is mandating that we must strive to live from the inside-out as opposed to the outside-in. Because, surly, everything on the outside is killing us.
We have to strive to live this life moment-by-moment taking no regard or thought about what we perceive is going to happen next year, next month, next week, or even tomorrow.
We have to strive to live this life moment-by-moment taking no regard or thought about what we perceive is going to happen next year, next month, next week, or even tomorrow.
If we stay rooted and grounded in the spiritually current to the Creator of the World that has brought us this far we can be assured that our outcome will be exactly what it was intended to be before we first cried into this world. If we stay connected we wont be caught off-guard or by surprise. In fact we #KaintLoose
Remember all "skin folks ain't kin folks" and all "Christians ain't born again of Christ."
#GodIsReal #TG4RG #MarvelNotYeMustBeBornAgain
..............The ORP does not own the rights to the video's contained in this blog...........
....please be advised that The ORP Hoodies, T's, & Throwback Memorabilia On-Line Store is now up and running. You can view and shop our products at Shopify on this blog page, on our Facebook business and personal pages, on Instagram, and at Thank you for your support. The funds received will help facilitate the construction of the Outkast Revolutionary Party(ORP) Critical Thinking Literacy Lab & Community Center.
Mary Mary.........I Just Kaint Give Up Now
Ain't No Need to Worry......Anita Baker & The Winans
Ain't No Need to Worry......Anita Baker & The Winans