❤So thou. O son of man, I have set thee a 💂watchman unto the house of Is-ra-el; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me❤

September 1, 2023 St. Louis, MO                LABOR DAY WEEKEND

Inner-city violence is terrorizing👽, practically, ever major city in America. 

From California to New York, from Minnesota to Texas, murder💀 and mayhem has reached levels well above and beyond epidemic proportions and there is no relief in sight.

Yet, ironically, this is not new news.😕

In 1968, under the direction of then President Lyndon Baines Johnson, the Kerner Commission Report got it right. But, unfortunately, the powers that be that ordered the investigation into the cause of inner-city unrest didn't listen👂 to their own findings.

The findings in the government report released 55 years ago concluded that poverty and institutional racism💩 were the leading factors driving inner-city violence.

 The list of troubles endured disproportionately by Africans-N-amerikkka in 1968 could just as readily be compiled today  - a shortage of decent paying jobs, "mis and dis" adequate education, a persistence of discrimination and harsh police tactics👮, an intentionally flawed judicial system, inadequate housing, unscrupulous consumer credit practices and the list could go on and on. 

"White society," the presidentially appointed panel reported, "is deeply implicated in the ghetto. White institutions created it, white institutions maintain it, and white society condones it." The nation, The Kerner Commission Report warned, was so divided that the United States was poised to fracture into two radical societies, 💣separate and unequal💣 - one black - one white.

Now if you can come to terms with the above facts, then consider the surety that Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis are running for POTUS in 2024. We already know how Donald Trump gets down but "letmetellusomethin" about how Florida Governor Ron DeSantis👾 rolls.

The NAACP has issued a travel order warning for the state of Florida. The warning advises Africans-N-amerikkka and other people of color👥 to avoid visiting or moving to the 'sunshine"💦 state.

"The State of Florida has engaged in an all-out attack💪 on Black Americans, on accurate Black history, voting rights, members of the LGBTQ+ community, immigrants, women's reproductive rights. and free speech, while simultaneously embracing a culture of fear, bulling, and intimidation by public officials," the NAACP advisory reads.

The letter cites a number of recent pieces of legislation passed under Governor DeSantis, including but not limited to: allowing permit-less concealed carry, and banning diversity, equity, and inclusion programs like Critical Race Theory(CRT) in the states schools😲.


 I knew things were bad in Florida but I didn't know how bad because if I💂 had known I probably would have done something different in regard to our vacation plans this year.

 You see, my family👪 and I, just recently returned from a long over-due vacation........ in Florida.

Understand, we needed a vacation, some sun , a beach, but it didn't necessarily have to be in Florida. We could have opted for a vacation in Maui or another resort island in Hawaii. (That's another blog😭)

But we chose Florida because it was convenient and we just needed to get away "quickly" because we  hadn't really been anywhere since Pre-Covid😷.

 Please understand that I had mixed feelings about leaving home and I had made my feelings known to friends and family long before our departure to Florida that the world was somehow strange, somehow different, somehow eerier---- Post-Covid😷.  

But Florida wasn't eerie......... it was scary.👿 Trust me, Satan and his imps are alive and well in the state of Florida.  

 To be in Florida felt like being in a demonic Netflix😬 movie. Here we are in a major hub of tourism and tourist dollars, and yet feeling the open hostile and unsociable interaction towards tourists of African descent.

 In my observation👀 they will/did obtusely take your/my money but they really didn't want you/me there.

 Don't get me wrong, it wasn't all Floridian's, but way too many displayed the DeSantis😈 mindset and demeanor. 

Long ago, one writer described these present day charlatans like this: This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.👀

Beloved God is not a respecter of color, skin tones, hues, or any flesh. And anybody that try's to convince you and I that they are better✋✋ because of who they perceive themselves to be -- determined by the image they see in a mirror -- or the title they stole👀 or gave to themselves is a liar.

Another writer proclaimed that he received this revelation: But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

Beloved the hand writing is already on the wall, the dye is cast, and the mold is set. This thing called life as we know it is all but over.👎

 And guess what, your title kaint save you, your money kaint save you, your plantation  religion kaint save you, your kinfolks and your family/slave name😒 that you love so dear kaint save you, your education kaint save you, all the guns and hand grenades that you have secured kaint save you, your church building, your mosque nor your temple, kaint save you, your bunker, your island, nor your jet plane, kaint save you, your husband, your wife, nor your POTUS, pastor👿, cleric, or priest, wont be able to save you.

 And last but not least, your skin tone, complexion, hue or color of flesh, WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SAVE YOU, from the destruction that is sure to come, because God has had enough. 

💂  "I have had enough". 

But I have one consolation that keeps me living daily on the promises of God. That consolation is rooted in this promise that declares: 

" Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord." "And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to theirs fathers, lest I COME and smite the earth with a curse."

Well beloved you have heard the message.💭Now you have a choice. You can either receive the message, repent, atone, regroup, redirect, and recommit your daily living to the will and way of God or prepare to face the wrath💣 of God


The ORP does not own the rights to these videos or images:

"He that hath ears to hear, let him hear"......

                                       If You Had A Choice Of Colors........Curtis Mayfield(1972)


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